Universitat de ValènciaFacultat de Psicologia Logo del portal

Required documentation for the academic year 2024-2025:

Presentation of the International Program

General instructions.

1.Once your application has been made in the Student Portal of the University of Valéncia.

2. Before you leave

3. Once you arrive to the host university

4. Once you get back to Valencia

5. Other documents

6. How to upload documents to Entreu


Once your application has been made in the Student Portal of the University of Valéncia.

1. Make the request on the Banco Santander website clicking here.


Before you leave:

1. Accept the scholarship: To accept your scholarship you need to follow these steps:

a) Accept your scholarship through the Online Office UV: you must search the Online Office UV for the procedure "International Program File" and follow the acceptance steps. The deadline to accept the scholarship is:

All destinations: from February 9 to 29, 2024.


During the acceptance procedure you shall indicate, among other things, an account bank number of which you must be the owner.

You shall take into account that if the deadline to present the request at the host university is prior to that established by the UV, you shall accept the grant attending to the deadline stablished by the host university.

Not accepting the grant before the deadline means the withdrawal to the assigned place.

Once you accept the grant, you will obtain an official nomination letter, which can be downloaded in PDF by referring to . You will receive a notification in your email, and you can also download it by Online Office UV in the "my procedures" section within "International Program File". This appointment is translated into English, Valencian and Spanish.

b) Accept the scholarship on the Banco Santander website: after completing the acceptance period at the Online Office UV, you will receive an email directly from Banco Santander that will offer you the option of accepting the scholarship also on its website. You will receive this email when your scholarship is recorded and it may take a while. Once received, you will have a new period of 7 days to accept it following the instructions of Banco Santander.

2.- Apply to the host university: The bestowal of an International Programme grant does not imply an automatic acceptance by the host university.  You shall present, within the stablished deadlines and conditions, the application form along with all the requested documentation.

3.- Admission letter from the destination university: Once you have received the admission letter issued by the destination university and before going to your destination, you must upload it to Online Office UV. To do this correctly, you must go to my "my paperwork" and look for the Procedure International Program, and in the "actions" drop-down menu, choose "attach" and upload your letter of acceptance .

4.- Formalize your Learning Agreement with the Academic Coordinator of Mobility of your degree. You can find the opening hours for students on the web of your department. The initial study contract must be completed by the Student Services Portal so that you can enroll in international credits. You must complete the Study Contract, and your academic coordinator must close it before July 12, 2024Otherwise, you will not be able to do the Self-enrollment. The study contract does NOT need to be uploaded to ENTREU OR EMAIL TO PROCESS THE SCHOLARSHIP. The destination university can request it signed by your mobility coordinator and in this case you must send the contract as requested.

5.- Make the self-enrolment in international credits: before leaving for your stay you have to formalize your self-enrolment at the University of Valencia. Once the study contract has been made and after your academic coordinator closes your contract in the computer application, you must access the self-enrolment according to the registration appointment communicated to you from the University of Valencia. It is expected that self-enrolment can be carried out from July 18, 2024.

  • Enrollment of students with a full course stay: the information from the study contract will be automatically incorporated. Students will only have to confirm that they are going to do a mobility stay when entering their self-enrolment.
  • Enrollment of students with a semester stay: the information from the study contract will be automatically incorporated. Students must confirm that they are going to do a semester mobility stay when entering their self-enrolment and will register the subjects they are going to take at the University of Valencia.

Mobility students must pay at the University of Valencia the registration fees for the ECTS that the students include in their study contract. You will be exempt from doing so at the destination university.

6.- Get a health insurance As your destination is not within the European Union, you will need an international insurance.  Some foreign universities may require for you to abide by the offered policies, especially EEUU; in that case, the student will have to contract it following the instructions of the destination university. The University of Valencia requires and advises hiring the following coverage:

  • Medical and sanitary care both in case of accident or in case of illness (required). Some foreign universities need a minimum fee for the coverage. Check their Website.
  • Repatriation or sanitary transportation for harmed or sick people (required).
  • Repatriation or transportation in case of death (required).
  • Family transportation in case of illness or death (recommended).
  • Legal liability (required).
  • Very important: make sure your insurance policy includes health care for covid-19

Some companies that offer these services in the university community are:

  • OnCampus,The Universtat de València is one of the Spanish universities adhered to this company specialised on insurances for the university community. If you want to see the Oncampus coverages, click here (new course information 24-25 pending update). By referring to this link you can get your insurance online- which covers all the required aspects established by the Universitat de València in its International Programme. 
  • https://www.guardme.eu/uvalencia
  • https://universitasmundi.com/

More information on the health insurance

An insurance is a must among the needed documents for the payment of the grant’s first instalment.  Hence, you must process it before you leave and send us a copy once you arrive to your destination, always following the guideline stablished at the “once you arrive to the host university” section.

7.- Process an entry visa for the country of destination: most countries request an entry visa which you must process at the country’s embassy or consulate. The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairsholds a great data base on the necessary procedures in each country. It is a good start but you need to request information and process it at the country of destination’s embassy or consulate. You will need a letter of acceptance by the host university.

When travelling to a foreign country it is important to take into account that it is not enough to buy a plane ticket and pack clothes, it is necessary to take into account other aspects which are necessary for you wellbeing and tranquillity.  At the site of Ministry of Foreign Affairs you can find travelling recommendations; paying special attention to questions related to safety.

8- Vaccinations They may be mandatory (you will be requested at the time of issuing the visa) or advisable. Plan vaccines with time, as some of them are given in several doses with resting periods in between them.  Here you have a list of vaccinating centres in Valencia Check the recommendations given by the Ministry of Health for international trips.

9.- Register in the Traveller’s Register and in the Spanish closest Embassy or Consulate to where you are carrying out your stay. This regristation is mandatory. Read the information published in the following link to know the advantages of doing this procedure: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Portal/es/ServiciosAlCiudadano/SiViajasAlExtranjero/Paginas/QueDeboHacerAntesDeViajarAlExtranjero.aspx


Once you arrive to the host university:

You shall include to "my paperwork" from Online Office UV procedure the so-called Expedient Programa Internacional with the following documents:

  • Certification of incorporation signed and stamped at the host university’s office of International Relations.
  • Copy of the health insurance with the coverage it includes and where the insurance’s deadline must also be included, also your name as insured.
  • Boarding pass for the flight you traveled with.

Only face-to-face mobility is allowed. 

Important: in order to get the payment of the grant (100% of the total amount) you must have presented all the documentation specified above. Hence, the grant’s payment won’t take place unless all the documentation has been sent to the office of international relations.


Once you get back to Valencia:

You shall include to "my paperwork" from Online Office UV procedure the so-called Expedient Programa Internacional with the following documents:

  • Certificate of attendance signed and stamped at the host university. The start and finish dates must be included in the document. The document cannot be signed more than 5 days before your departure.


NOTES: when we receive the transcript of records directly from the destination university, we will send it to your coordinator to proceed to the validation of subjects to be included in the academic transcript.

Important: The students shall pass at least 50% of the credits they have enrolled in at the Universitat de València. The aim of the mobility programme is obtaining an academic progress of the stay and that is why the grantes are bestowed. On the contrary, the student shall reintegrate the total amount of money received as the grant.


Other documents:

  • Withdrawal form It shall be handed at the General Registry of Entry of the Universitat de València or send an email from the student mail (... @ alumni.uv.es) to the address programa.internacional@uv.es
  • Extension request: only those extension requests received before 31 December 2022 will be accepted.  The extension means turning a stay of one semester into a year-long stay. The extension request will be send along with the modification of the learning agreement. IMPORTANT: The applications for extension of the study period will not have in any case economic effects. You can extend the period of stay for a full course, provided that the extension does not affect the places available at the university of destination for the following academic year and the requirements of point 5 of the call are met.

How to upload documents to Online Office UV:

Here we leave a link with instructions on how to upload documents to Online Office UV:    


Last update: 11/06/24