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The students who prior to joining the programme had not carried out a Research Work, should carry it out within the programme, with a 6 ECTS equivalence. The Research Work should make an empirical research and should have, at least, the following sections: Theoretical introduction (State of the art), Methodology of the study, Results, Conclusions and Bibliographic references.
It will have an extent between 15.000 and 30.000 words (between 50 and 100 pages, Times New Roman 12, standard margins). It should be presented to an evaluation commission formed by three members and appointed by the CCA of the programme in a public event. The presentation of the work will have a maximum duration of 30 minutes with a subsequent debate of one hour maximum. The CCA of the Doctoral Studies will determine wether the accepted students to the programme should carry out this activity or wether they consider this requirement accomplished by having presented previously a
Research Work of similar characteristics to those described. The students that when finishing the academic year in which they have been provisionally accepted do not have made the Research Work defence will not be able to continue the programme. The Academic Coordination Committee of the programme will establish the requirements this research work have to accomplish and will publish it in the Doctoral Studies website.