Universitat de ValènciaFacultat de Psicologia Logo del portal

Holders of a licenciatura or undergraduate degree in Psychology, Medicine, Pharmacy, Social Work and Education will be admitted to the Master’s Degree in Drug Dependence: Research, Treatment and Drug Pathologies.
The following selection criteria will be taken into account:
- The average mark of the academic record, to a 60%.
- Work experience related to the topics of the Master’s degree, of a minimal duration of six months, to a 20%.
- Taking free-elective subjects related to the Master's Degree, to a 20%.

If the demand exceeds the places available, the criteria will be weighed as follows:
1. Average mark of the academic record (A: 5 points, B: 4 points, C: 3 points).
2. Mark obtained in the optional subjects related to the contents of the Master's (A: 1 point, B: 0.5 points, C: 0.2 points).
3. Work experience related to the topic of the Master's degree: 1 point for each year.
4. Participation in collaboration grants: 1 point for each grant and year.
5. English qualification: B1 3 points.