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Scholarships a/y 2024-2025

The Erasmus Studies program has monthly financial aid to cover accommodation and maintenance. It also has travel aid for participants. In no case are they planned to cover total expenses. In addition, students are exempt from paying any amount in academic fees at the host university. Regarding administrative fees, exams or access to laboratories and libraries, they will receive the same treatment as the local student body.

Scholarships European Union - Universitat de València

The most important financial aid received by students is that which comes from the European Union. The University of Valencia supplements this scholarship with funds from its own budget. The basic monthly amount of this scholarship is established based on the country where the mobility is carried out. The scholarship ranged between 325 and 425 euros per month, plus travel expenses. Students with fewer opportunities receive a supplement of an additional 250 euros per month. To this end, students with fewer opportunities are those who have a general scholarship from the Ministry, disabled students, those who belong to a large or single-parent family, and those who are victims of terrorism or gender violence. The International Relations Service verifies these circumstances ex officio, as they are tuition exemptions.

This scholarship does not have to be applied for. All students of the Universitat de València with an Erasmus Studies mobility grant will receive (without another request) the economic grant of the amount that corresponds to them. The Universitat de València does not award Erasmus Studies mobility scholarships without financial endowment. Nor does it grant economic scholarships if the students do not physically travel abroad.

This scholarship is compatible with the general scholarships for studies that are announced each year by the State Administration and the Generalitat Valenciana. Students must apply for these scholarships also the year they are Erasmus Studies.

Erasmus Studies Students

Full year stays

Semester stays

Detailed document

Erasmus Studies Students visiting UK and Switzerland

Full year stays

Semester Stays

Detailed document

Generalitat Valenciana Erasmus Scholarships 

Publication in the DOGV (23/08/2024)

List of awarded students

Erasmus Grant for sustainable travel 

Students who opt for a "sustainable travel" to the destination university may apply for additional assistance. Sustainable travel is defined as sustainable transportation, in which low-emission means of transportation are used for most of the journey.

Santander Erasmus Scholarships

They are financial aid funded by the bank Banco de Santander for students who have an Erasmus mobility grant awarded for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Three types of scholarships

  •   A scholarship of 1.000 € for the student that has a general scholarship of the Ministry of Education for higher education in the year 2023-24 and has the best weighted overall score in their transcript of records at the end of year 2021-2022.
  •   A scholarship of 1.000 € for the student who has the best weighted overall score in his/her transcript of records at the end of year 2022-2023 among those who prove a recognized disability equal or greater than 33%
  •   Seventy-seven (77) scholarships of 500 € for students and students with the best weighted average student score at the end of year 2022-2023. Priority will be given to those who hold a grant for higher education awarded by the Ministry in the year 2023-2024

Students must register to Banco de Santander through the platform santanderopenacademy.com. Deadline for registration: 1st April, 2024.

There is no need to attach any documentation. Students who consider that they meet the disability requirement to opt for the scholarship of 1.000 €, must tick the relevant case in their application to Banc de Santander. Documentary evidence will be ask to the beneficiary.

The weighted overall score is calculated as the difference between the overall score of the student's academic record and the average score of their degree at the end of the 2022-2023 academic year. The overall score of the academic record of the student is published in the Erasmus call for studies for mobility in the 2024-2025 academic year.

List of awarded students (17/06/2024)

List of ranked applications (07/06/2024)

Llist of accepted applications (21/05/2024)

List of excluded applications (21/05/2024)

Call for applications (Universitat de València)

Rules i regulations (Banco de Santander)

Application Form

Abstract published at the Official Bulletin DOGV

International Double Degree Scholarship

They are aids to double international degree students who do not have scholarships Erasmus studies of the University of Valencia.

More information

Inclusion Grants

Students who have a recognized percentage of disability equal to or greater than 33% can apply for Inclusion Support Grants based on the actual cost credited with invoices.

Students who suffer from any physical, mental or health condition can also benefit from this aid.
Documents to be attached:

  • "Inclusion Support Grant" application form.
  • Certificate in pdf that expresses the percentage of recognized disability.
  • A single pdf file, with all the documents accrediting the actual expenses (budgets, invoices, etc.).

The application must be submitted by Internal Instance which can be accessed by clicking on the following link:
You will have to choose:

  • Type of Unit: University Services and Central Services
  • Name of the Unit: International Relations and Cooperation Service
  • Recipient group:Ayudas de apoyo a la inclusión

Scholarships a/y 2023-2024

The Erasmus study program has monthly financial aid for students. These grants are assistance to cover accommodation, meals and travel of students participating in the program. The scholarship does not cover expenses in its entirety. In addition, students are exempt from any academic fees. Regarding administrative or examination fees students should be treated like local students. The receiving institution will guarantee access to laboratory and library facilities on the mobility period.

Scholarships European Union - Universitat de València

The most important financial aid received by students is that which comes from the European Union. The University of Valencia supplements this scholarship with funds from its own budget. The basic monthly amount of this scholarship is established based on the country where the mobility is carried out. The scholarship ranged between 210 and 310 euros per month. Students who have a general scholarship for university courses, disabled and refugee students receive a supplement of 250 euros per month. Disabled students must also apply for inclusion grant.

This scholarship does not have to be applied for. All students of the Universitat de València with an Erasmus Studies mobility grant will receive (without another request) the economic grant of the amount that corresponds to them. The Universitat de València does not award Erasmus Studies mobility scholarships without financial endowment. Nor does it grant economic scholarships if the students do not physically travel abroad.

This scholarship is compatible with the general scholarships for studies that are announced each year by the State Administration and the Generalitat Valenciana. Students must apply for these scholarships also the year they are Erasmus Studies.

Erasmus Studies Students (except UK)

Full year stays (to be published)

Semester stays (to be published)

Detailed funding rules (to be published)

Erasmus Studies Students visiting UK

Full year stays (to be published)

Semester Stays (to be published)

Detailed funding rules (to be published)

Generalitat Valenciana Erasmus Scholarships 

List of awarded students (14/11/2023)

Erasmus Grant for sustainable travel 

Students who opt for a "sustainable travel" to the destination university may apply for additional assistance. Sustainable travel is defined as sustainable transportation, in which low-emission means of transportation are used for most of the journey. More information.

Santander Erasmus Scholarships

List of awarded students (30/05/2023)

List of accepted applications (17/05/2023)

List of excluded applications (17/05/2023)

They are financial aid funded by the bank Banco de Santander for students who have an Erasmus mobility grant awarded for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Three types of scholarships

  •   A scholarship of 1.000 € for the student that has a general scholarship of the Ministry of Education for higher education in the year 2022-23 and has the best weighted overall score in their transcript of records at the end of year 2021-2022.
  •   A scholarship of 1.000 € for the student who has the best weighted overall score in his/her transcript of records at the end of year 2021-2022 among those who prove a recognized disability equal or greater than 33%
  •   Seventy-seven (77) scholarships of 500 € for students and students with the best weighted average student score at the end of year 2021-2022. Priority will be given to those who hold a grant for higher education awarded by the Ministry in the year 2022-2023 

Every student that have been granted an Erasmus Studies Stay for year 2023-2024 will be considered candidate without the submission of any application.

An application by the student to the university Universitat de València can be compulsory according to the Official Call

Students must register to Banco de Santander through the platform becas-santander.com.  Deadline for registration: March 14th, 2023 (Deadline extended until March 27th, 2023, at 23:00 h; as per Banco de Santander instructions)

There is no need to attach any documentation. Students who consider that they meet the disability requirement to opt for the scholarship of 1.000 €, must tick the relevant case in their application to Banc de Santander. Documentary evidence will be ask to the beneficiary.

The weighted overall score is calculated as the difference between the overall score of the student's academic record and the average score of their degree at the end of the 2020-2021 academic year. The overall score of the academic record of the student is published in the Erasmus call for studies for mobility in the 2023-2024 academic year.

Call for applications (Universitat de València)

Rules and Regulations (Universitat de València)

Rules i regulations (Banco de Santander)

Application Form

Abstract published at the Official Bulletin DOGV

International Double Degree Scholarship

They are aids to double international degree students who do not have scholarships Erasmus studies of the University of Valencia in the 2020-21 a/y.

More information

Inclusion Grants (formerly Special Needs) 

Students who have a recognized percentage of disability equal to or greater than 33% can apply for Inclusion Support Grants based on the actual cost credited with invoices.

Students who suffer from any physical, mental or health condition can also benefit from this aid.

Automatically, they will also receive a supplement of 250 euros / month as a disadvantaged student. This latter complement is incompatible with the complement for having been a general scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education or for the status of Refugee.

How to submit the application?
Deadline for submitting the application: 15 days before the end of the mobility.
Documents to be attached:

  1. "Inclusion Support Grant" application form in pdf or Word format to be attached to the on line application. (to be updated)
  2. Certificate in pdf that expresses the percentage of recognized disability.
  3. A single pdf file, with all the documents accrediting the actual expenses (budgets, invoices, etc.). Information on eligible expenses.

The application must be submitted by Internal Instance which can be accessed by clicking on the following link:
https://www.uv.es/einterna (to be activated)
You will have to choose:
(1) Type of Unit: University Services and Central Services
(2) Name of the Unit: International Relations and Cooperation Service
(3) Recipient group: Erasmus + NNEE Scholarship

Scholarships a/y 2022-2023

The Erasmus study program has monthly financial aid for students. These grants are assistance to cover accommodation, meals and travel of students participating in the program. The scholarship does not cover expenses in its entirety. In addition, students are exempt from any academic fees. Regarding administrative or examination fees students should be treated like local students. The receiving institution will guarantee access to laboratory and library facilities on the mobility period.

Scholarships European Union - Universitat de València

The most important financial aid received by students is that which comes from the European Union. The University of Valencia supplements this scholarship with funds from its own budget. The basic monthly amount of this scholarship is established based on the country where the mobility is carried out. The scholarship ranged between 210 and 310 euros per month. Students who have a general scholarship for university study courses receive a supplement of 250 euros per month. Disabled students must apply for special needs aid.

This scholarship does not have to be applied for. All students of the Universitat de València with an Erasmus Studies mobility grant will receive (without another request) the economic grant of the amount that corresponds to them. The Universitat de València does not award Erasmus Studies mobility scholarships without financial endowment. Nor does it grant economic scholarships if the students do not physically move abroad.

This scholarship is compatible with the general scholarships for studies that are announced each year by the State Administration and the Generalitat Valenciana. Students must apply for these scholarships also the year they are Erasmus Studies.

Erasmus Studies Students (except UK)

Full year stays

Semester stays

Detailed funding rules

Erasmus Studies Students visiting UK

Full year stays

Semester Stays

Detailed funding rules

Generalitat Valenciana Erasmus Scholarships 

The Generalitat Valenciana has published in the DOGV on December 9th, 2022, the call for grants to complement scholarships for student mobility activities for studies of the Erasmus + program for student mobility of students in the 2021-2022 academic year.

Students should not submit any application. The universities are in charge of sumitting the relevant information of the students that fulfil the requirements of the call. Subsequently, the Conselleria de Universitats will publish a resolution with the list of applicants awarded students.

Publication in the DOGV

List of awarded students: DOGV

Erasmus Grant for sustainable travel 

Students who opt for a "sustainable travel" to the destination university may apply for additional assistance. Sustainable travel is defined as sustainable transportation, in which low-emission means of transportation are used for most of the journey. More information.

Santander Erasmus Scholarships

Resolution. List of awarded students (23/06/2022)

List of ranked applications (22/06/2022)

List of accepted applications (1/06/2021)

List of excluded applications (1/06/2021)

They are financial aid funded by the Bank of Santander for students and students who have an Erasmus mobility grant awarded for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Three types of scholarships

  •   A scholarship of 2.000 € for the student that has a general scholarship of the Ministry of Education in the course 2021-22 and has the best weighted overall score in his/her transcript of records at the end of year 2020-2021.
  •   A scholarship of 2.000 € for the student who has the best weighted overall score in his/her transcript of records at the end of year 2020-2021 among those who prove a recognized disability equal or greater than 33%
  •   One hundred (101) scholarships of 500 € for students and students with the best weighted average student score during the 2020-2021 academic year. 

Every student that have been granted an Erasmus Studies Stay for year 2022-2023 will be considered candidate without the submission of any application. Even though Application can be submitted through the General Registry at Universitat de València until March 15th, 2022

Students must register to Banco de Santander through the platform becas-santander.com.  Deadline for registration: March 15th, 2022

There is no need to attach any documentation. Students who consider that they meet the disability requirement to opt for the scholarship of 2.000 €, must tick the relevant case in their application to Banc de Santander. Documentary evidence will be ask to the beneficiary.

The weighted overall score is calculated as the difference between the overall score of the student's academic record and the average score of their degree at the end of the 2020-2021 academic year. The overall score of the academic record of the student is published in the Erasmus call for studies for mobility in the 2022-2023 academic year "Llista de sol·licituds admeses amb expressió dels criteris de valoració genèrics (23/12/2021)

Call for applications (Universitat de València)

Rules and Regulations (Universitat de València)

Rules i regulations (Banco de Santander)

Application Form

Abstract published at the Official Bulletin DOGV

International Double Degree Scholarship

They are aids to double international degree students who do not have scholarships Erasmus studies of the University of Valencia in the 2020-21 a/y.

More information

Inclusion Grants (formerly Special Needs) 

Students who have a recognized percentage of disability equal to or greater than 33% can apply for Inclusion Support Grants based on the actual cost credited with invoices.

Students who suffer from any physical, mental or health condition can also benefit from this aid.

Automatically, they will also receive a supplement of 250 euros / month as a disadvantaged student. This latter complement is incompatible with the complement for having been a general scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education or for the status of Refugee.

Further information can be asked to the e-mail pagos.erasmus@uv.es and to the Inclusion Unit.
Deadline for submitting the application: one month before the end of the mobility.
Documents to be attached:

  1. "Inclusion Support Grant" application form in pdf or Word format to be attached to the on line application.
  2. Certificate in pdf that expresses the percentage of recognized disability.
  3. A single pdf file, with all the documents accrediting the actual expenses (budgets, invoices, etc.). Information on eligible expenses.

The application must be submitted by Internal Instance which can be accessed by clicking on the following link:
You will have to choose:
(1) Type of Unit: University Services and Central Services
(2) Name of the Unit: International Relations and Cooperation Service
(3) Recipient group: Erasmus + NNEE Scholarship