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Un método peligroso (A Dangerous Method, David Cronenberg, 2011)

Series of films "Treating Mental Illness". Palau de Cerveró


Series of films "Treating Mental Illness"

A Dangerous Method (David Cronenberg, 2011, 99’)

Presentation by Carlos Hernández and Héctor Gómez, members of the Cinema Club.

Direction: David Cronenberg Script: David Cronenberg Music: Howard Shore Photograhy: Peter Suschitzky Cast: Keira Knightley, Viggo Mortensen, Michael Fassbender, Vincent Cassel, Sarah Gadon, Katharina Palm, Christian Serritiello, Andrea Magro, Bjorn Geske, Franziska Arndt, Wladimir Matuchin, Clemens Giebel.

Synopsis: A powerful story on sexual and intelectual dicovery. Real event based on the turbulent relationship between the young psycologist Carl Jung, his mentor Sigmund Freud and Sabina Spielrein. Otto Gross is also added to this thresom, a libertine patient who is determined to exceed all limits.

All screenings will be in original version with subtitles with a presentation and a discussion

Free entry, limited seating capacity


Date 19 february 2015 at 18:00 to 21:00. Thursday.


Conference room of the Palau de Cerveró (Plaza Cisneros, 4)

Organized by

Aula de Cinema de la Universitat de València.


Contact auladecinema@uv.es

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