Enllaç a la pàgina del Grau en BioteconologiaFacultat de Ciències BiològiquesUniversitat de València Logo del portal

Next we present an index of the procedures that can be carried out at the Faculty of Biological Sciences, with an indication on how to submit the associated application: by filling a secretariat form or through the Online Office (user manual).

If the application must be sent by electronic registration, the following information must be indicated in the "General" tab of the application:
   - Type of Organ: "Centres"






Academic Record Transfer to another center of the Univesity of Valencia (fill in the form and send by electronic registration) Online Office
Academic Record Transfer to another University Online Office
Adaptation to new Biology Degree 2023 (fill in the form and send by electronic registration) Online Office
Adaptation to new Degrees (fill in the form and send by electronic registration) Online Office
Certificate of Admission to Degree Studies Online Office
Certificate of Registration Online Office
Certificate of Students Insurance Online Office
Certificates (others) Form
Certified Copies Form
Credits Recognition from University Activities Participation (fill in the form and send by electronic registration) Online Office
Credits Recognition of Degree, Master's Degree, Higher Technician, or Work Experiencie Services Portal
Curricular Assessment through Compensation Online Office
Degree/Master Title Online Office
Direct Debit  
Doctoral Degree  
Enrolment Cancellation Online Office
Enrolment Exemption for Used Attempts (fill in the form and send by electronic registration) Online Office
European Diploma Supplement (EDS)  
Exam Grade Contesting Online Office
Extraordinary Examination Sitting (electronic register) Online Office
General Application (electronic register) Online Office
Internships involving regular contac with minors Online Office
Official Academic Certificate Bachelor's Degree (curriculums 1975, 1993) Form
Official Academic Certificate University and Master's Degrees, and Bachelor´s Degrees(curriculum 2000)  Online Office
Part- Time Studies Admission Online Office
Proof of Payment of Enrolment Fees Online Office
Refunding of Fees Online Office
Resumption of Studies Online Office
Shipment of Degrees (fill in the form and send by electronic registration) Online Office
Subjects Programmes Form
TFG (Application for the Defence) Online Office
TFM (Application for the Defence) Online Office
Title Duplicate (electronic register) Online Office