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Guide tour to the Silk Museum of Moncada, teaching workshops and exhibitions.

  • May 3rd, 2016

Description of the activity:

Guided tour through the area dedicated to traditional weaving of silk, which was handcrafted in the museum’s 19th century-traditional loom.
This tour will show the visitors the production process of handcrafted silk cloth in the way of espolín (silk cloth with scattered flowers), from the spinning to the final product. Visitors could meet the different fabrics that have been created at the Garín Factory since the 19th century and that will be exposed together with a text explaining the history of the process (History of the Fabric workshop). The workshops will be developed by students of the Museology and Museography subject of the Degree in Art History and by students of the Teaching and Professional Applications subject of the Master’s Degrees in Art History and in Cultural Heritage.

The visit will be complemented with:

  • Weaving workshop. Visitors will have the change of learning how to weave a espolín in a practical way under the indications of a master craftsman.
  • Touching workshop. Visitors could handle raw materials in all different stages of cloth’s production (from raw silk to silk weaved in its different modalities).

Exhibition Valencia and the Silk Road, Silk Museum of Moncada. Educational exhibition on the Silk Road and its effect in Valencian fabrics. The exhibition has as a guiding thread the Silk Road’s role as a way of getting ideas and knowledge across as well as its repercussion on the textile industry. Visitors will be guided through different texts and images during the exhibition, which will take place inside the factory space.

Place: Silk Museum of Moncada.

Date: From May to June 2016