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Courses of the Open Club for Creative Writing

Open enrolment. The workshops will have a 20-hours length distributed in 7 sessions throughout February, March and April 2017


The enrolment period for the students of the Universitat de València and La Nau Gran will be from 19 December to 12 February.

For the remaining members of the university community and general public, from 1 to 12 February.

The Open Club for Creative Writing is a project of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Undergraduate Studies and Policy, organised by the Information and Promotion Service (SeDi) This proposal is framed within the Training Space of La Nave de los Estudiantes.

Target group

Students of the UV, participants in La Nau Gran and general public. See general conditions.


The Open Group for Creative Writing is a joint of workshops destined to training and acquisition of skills to face literary creation in the genres of short story, theatre, poetry, short-movie scripts and comic script. The development of this workshops will be mainly practical and will try to invigorate and motivate the creative side of the participants, acquiring also, under supervision of the professors, techniques and new knowledge on literary creation.

Duration of the workshops.

The workshops will have a 20-hours length distributed in 7 on-site sessions throughout February, March and April 2017.

2017 Programming

Theatre Writing with Xavier Puchades

Short Story in Spanish (1) with María García-Lliberós

Short Story in Spanish (2) with Carlos Aimeur

Short Story in Spanish (3) with Bárbara Blasco

Short Story in Valencian with Anna Moner

Poetry in Spanish with Laura Giordani

Poetry in Valencian with Francisco Rodrigo

Short-film Script with Giovanna Ribes

Comic Script with Sento Llobell

Certificates and academic recognition

These workshops equate to 1 ECTS. To obtain the certificate it is necessary to attend to the course or workshop. The absence must be properly justified and shall not be more than the 20% of the duration of the activity.


ScheduleFrom 19 december 2016 to 12 february 2017. Every day at 10:00 to 23:59.


Aula de Formación del SeDi. Aulario III Campus Blasco Ibáñez

Organized by

SeDI, Delegació d'Estudiants


Vicerectorat de Cultura

Aula de Lectura i Escriptura

Aula de Poesia

Aula de Teatre

Aula de Cinema

Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació (Vicedeganat de Cultura)




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