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Participates in Green Idea UV and earn € 600

The University of Valencia is looking for ideas, projects and innovative actions that improve the sustainable management of its university campuses


The contest is part of the actions taken by the Sustainable Campus Programme, which defines its own policy and principles of coordination to contribute to sustainability from all areas that characterize the university. For the Green Idea 2014 edition, the University of Valencia is looking for proposals in sustainability education and awareness, in energy efficiency and consumption management, waste management, or sustainable mobility or food. Until 30 September, any member of the university community, either individually or as a team, will be able to submit his/her idea in each of the categories provided, which may be awarded a prize of 600 €. The contest winners will be announced in October 2014 on the Sustainable Campus website.

The University of Valencia, has launched a network of sustainable campus (Sustainable Campus Network) with other European universities where it has implemented an innovative project funded by the Climate-KIC partnership to develop and promote new products and services based on sustainability. It is about using university campuses as models and testing grounds of innovations that can be replicable and exportable to other urban and social contexts. The Green Idea 2014 call is included within the development of this project.

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Date From 28 july 2014 to 30 september 2014. 24h. Every day.


Universitat de València

Organized by

Vicerectorat de Sostenibilitat i Planificació

Oficina de Polítiques per a l'Excel·lència.



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