The Aula de Lectura i Escriptura (Reading and Writing Room) opens its course on the 21 October with Toni Cucarella

El escritor Toni Cucarella.

The Aula de Lectura i Escriptura (Reading and Writing Room) of the University of Valencia opens its course with two events scheduled for the week. On Monday, 21 October, Toni Cucarella offers the lecture 'El no-llegir fa perdre l'escriure' ('Not reading makes the writing to be lost'), at 17:00 in the Faculty of Education (Room 401) in Tarongers Campus.

Toni Cucarella is one of the most important Valencian narrators: Premi Andromina (Andromina Prize) of the Premis Octubre (October Prizes) and Premi de la Crítica dels Escriptors Valencians (Prize of the Critic of Valencian Writers) for his novel 'Quina lenta agonia la dels ametlers perduts'. 

On the other hand, Marta Pessarrodona, one of the most important writers in contemporary Catalan literature, translator of the work of Doris Lesing, Susan Sontag or Marguerite Duras, and award-winning of the Premio Nacional de Cultura (National Prize of Culture) among others, will give the lecture 'Excursions i viatges' ('Excursions and trips') on the 23 October, at 12:00, at the Faculty of Education (Room PB-05).

The Aula de Lectura i Escriptura (Reading and Writing Room) of the University of Valencia is led by the professors of the Department of Language and Literature Teaching, Josep Ballester, professor and writer, and Noelia Ibarra; and it is conceived as an interdisciplinary space for reflection, encounter and dialog, as a place of exchange of experiences and practices of reading and writing, and as a field of research around a currently vital and urgent need.


Last update: 21 de october de 2013 07:56.

News release