Beer and science; Nursing in Ontinyent; the ‘intangible falla’ has been burnt; and our photo has been the cover in Nature... in infoUniversitat

Cover of infoUniversitat 143

The new InfoUniversitat issue which can be consulted clicking here. includes a conference which joins beer and science; the implementation of Nursing in Ontinyent next academic year; the burning of the ‘intangible falla’ and a photography took by the professor Hortensia Rico which has become the cover of the magazine Nature Biotechnology.

The team Innocampus of the Universitat has organised a round table about beer and science in the Sala Darwin, at the Burjassot-Paterna Campus. In this session the scientific interdisciplinary that is behind the beer and the business practice of production and commercialisation have been analysed.

The next academic year, students will be able to study nursing in the Ontinyent Campus. In this way, the supply of groups of this degree which is highly demanded will be increased. The new Nursing group in Ontinyent will provide a total of 65 places per academic year. It is the same amount of the rest of groups of this degree in the Valencian Campus.

Tags and ‘likes’ in the social networks have replaced the dolls and the bar in the first ‘intangible falla’ promoted by the School of Engineering of the Universitat de València. The virtual monuments were created with the most mentioned words and they were burnt on Sant Josep’s day like all the fallas.

An attractive image and a string of coincidences has led the microbiologist Hortensia Rico to sign the cover of the February issue of the Nature Biotechnology magazine. This photograph amateur cannot imagine that her Flickr account that she opened in 2009 under the pseudonym ‘microorgànic’ in which she showed her social and scientific creativity would end up linking her with one of the publications of greater impact.


Last update: 23 de march de 2017 06:40.

News release