The Historical Library reopens after the internal move of its bibliographical collection

The Historical Library of the Universitat de València has open again its doors after an internal move of the bibliographical collections which, over a moth, has changed the location of 105.600 books. In particular, books, leaflets and manuscripts written between the 15th and 20th centuries have been moved. These works represent a valuable heritage of the Universitat de València, both from the cultural and economic point of view.

The Universitat de València guards the first printed literary book in the Iberian Peninsula: ‘Obres o trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria’, a unique model in the world. It also has one of the three ‘Tirant lo Blanch’ models that are preserved in the world as well as the collection of manuscripts that were previously located at the library of the Aragonese monarchs at Naples.

The purpose of the move has been to achieve greater safety measures and optimal preservation conditions for these bibliographical treasures, and at the same time to offer more exhibitions and guided tours to the Duque de Calabria Hall.


Last update: 24 de july de 2017 12:47.

News release