La Nau hosts the presentation of a book about homosexuality written by the Chilean journalist Juan Pablo de la Hoz

Coberta del llibre.

The Chilean journalist Juan Pablo de la Hoz launches ‘Chile Gay. Testimonios de vida, amor y dolor’ (RIL editores, 2015), on Wednesday, 26 April at 19:00h in the Cultural Centre La Nau of the Universitat de València. The book is about the life history of 40 men of different ages based on a work of interviews that lasted almost two years. The work won the audience award to the ‘Best Journalistic Research 2016’, organised by the magazine Lector.

The subjects addressed are the following: the silence for not telling anyone the person you love, the fight for the rights, the equality against the society and the law or the paternity desire.

 Professor of the Universitat de València Ricard Huerta; Luis Noguerol, cultural manager in Culturama and activist in Lambda; the Chilean journalist Elena Letelier; Jokin Egaña, founder of a consulting firm specialised in LGBT community and the author of the book will participate in the book presentation.

Last update: 25 de april de 2017 10:42.

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