• Degree Programmes Offered
  • 12358: Plan and propose appropriate preventive measures for each clinical situation.
  • 12357: Indicate the most accurate therapy in acute and chronic processes prevailing, as well as for terminally ill patients.
  • 12356: Establish the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, applying principles based on the bestinformation available and on conditions of clinical safety.
  • 12355: Recognise and address situations which may be life-threatening and others which demand immediate attention.
  • 12354: Have the capacity to make an initial diagnosis and establish a reasonable strategy of diagnosis.
  • 12353: Perform a physical examination and a mental health assessment.
  • 12352: Obtain and elaborate a clinical history withrelevant information.
  • 12351: Understand the foundations of action, indications and efficacy of therapeutic interventions, based on available scientific evidence.
  • 12350: Understand and recognise the effects of growth, development and aging which affect individuals and their social environment.
  • 12125: Understand and recognise source agents and risk factors which determine health status and the development of diseases.
  • 12122: Understand and recognise the structure and normal function of the human body, at the following levels: molecular, tissue, organic, and of systems, in each phase of human life and in both sexes.
  • 12119: Develop one?s professional practise with a respectful attitude towards other health professionals, acquiring team work skills.
  • 12118: Recognise one?s limitations and the necessity of maintaining and updating one?s professional competence, giving special importance to an autonomous way of learningnew content and techniques, and the importance of motivation for quality achievement.
  • 12062: Develop one?s professional practise with respect towards the autonomy of patients, their beliefs and culture.
  • 12061: Know how to apply the principle of social justice and understand the ethical implication health has in a worldwide context in constant transformation.
  • 12060: Understand the importance of such principles for the best interests of the patient, society and the profession, with special attention to professional privacy.
  • 12059: Recognise the essential elements of the medical profession, including ethical principles, legal responsibilities and the professional practise focused on the patient.
  • 18346: Recognises, diagnoses and guides the management of the main blood pathologies.
  • 18047: Knows the characteristics of pregnancy, normal and pathological delivery. Puerperium period. Is aware of exploration and follow-up criteria.
  • 18048: Understands the characteristics of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • 18049: Recognises, diagnoses and guides the management of the main gynaecological pathologies.
  • 18050: Knows the characteristics of contraception and fertilisation.
  • 18051: Recognises, diagnoses, and guides the management of the main ophthalmological pathologies.
  • 18052: Is aware of tumour disease, its diagnose and management.
  • 18053: Recognises, diagnoses, and guides the management of the main pathologies affecting ear, nose, and throat.