Book's cover
«La oposición al franquismo en Puerto de Sagunto» is launched in Valencia

Comissions Obreres del País Valencià organises the launching of the book ‘La oposición al franquismo en Puerto de Sagunto (1958-1977)’ (Opposition to Franco’s dictatorship in Puerto de Sagunto 1958-1977) by Maria Hebestreit


Comissions Obreres del País Valencià organises the launching of the book ‘La oposición al franquismo en Puerto de Sagunto (1958-1977) by Maria Hebestreit

The event will have the participation of:

Maria Hebestreit, book’s author

Èmerit Bono, profesor at the University of Valencia

This work presents a detailed analysis of the various forms of active and passive opposition during the last two decades of Franco’s dictatorship in Puerto de Sagunto (Valencia), with the determining presence of the steel company Altos Hornos of Vizcaya. Through its long tradition as a working class town, Puerto de Sagunto was a town with a strong trade union and political activism. Nevertheless, workers in Sagunto did not reach leading the Valencian labour movement until 1965, due to their tendency to isolation as in a real 'company town'. In the early seventies, the opposition activism was progressively extended beyond the limits of Altos Hornos, connecting to broader sectors of society. This book reports, thus, the existence of a wide range of opposition groups ignored by historians until now.


Date 15 may 2014 at 19:00 to 21:00. Thursday.


Assembly Hall of the CCOO PV • Plaça Nàpols i Sicília, 5 • València

Organized by

Publicacions de la Universitat de València • CCOO PV.

