Online registration open of the activity until 24 October. You get a free elective credit. The seminar takes place on 25, 26, and 28 October, from 11:00 to 14:30 h.


Online registration open of the activity until 24 October. You get a free elective credit. The seminar takes place on 25, 26, and 28 October, from 11:00 to 14:30 h.

In the last decades we find a considerable interest by the autobiographical creations: autobiographies, self-portrait, memories, private diaries or epistolary documents. Even though in the autobiographical literature, the self literature, where lies the most part of the theoretical contributions, as well as the production of many works, is also important to note the research studies that have been published in the field of visual arts in the last

decade inclusively in the Spanish territory. Although we have to announce from this start that we are in a field which, compared to the literature, has not been enough worked and which we believe has a great potential not only for its own studies in the behaviour of the artistic creation. In fact, we consider that due to the ambiguity of many of the

elements of the autobiography it is necessary that the importance of its analysis gravitate around the comparative studies between thought, literature, visual arts, theatre and cinematography.

But why is there need for this revaluation of autobiography, emergin genre of Modernity, today? Throughout the course we try and find the answers to this metaphysical questions in the postmodernity context and to the defining issues on what is autobiography,

its ways, theories and paradoxes; the shock relationships with

autofiction and with self-reflection. Finally, we will also deal with its ways of expression in the literary creation, the contemporary thought and the visual arts in contexts where “relating the self” is a must for taking control of the subordinate, outcast or antihegemonic cultural tales.

  • From 28 september 2016 to 24 october 2016. Every day at 09:00 to 14:00.
  • From 25 october 2016 to 28 october 2016. Tuesday, wednesday and friday at 11:00 to 14:30.

Aula A-4.1-Aulario VI (Faculty of Geography and History)

Organized by

Universitat de València-Associació Valenciana de Crítics d’Art.



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