Debates, Passacaglia and tree planting



10:30 "Biología y poda de árboles y palmeras", a talk by Víctor Soler.

11:30.“Bonsai, un arte viviente” talk and practice with the most conventional techniques (Rafa Gozalbo) at Sciences Library's Salón de Actos.

12:45. "Pasacalle con dolçaina y tabalet" from the library to the old cafeteria.

13:00. Planting of a Pinus halepensis. At the leftian side of the old cafeteria.

Attentands will be given a tree (we have different species) and a En-Arborar calendar/poster.


Date 30 march 2012 at 10:30 to 13:00. Friday.


Several locations at the Burjassot Campus

Organized by

Universitat de València

Punt Verd Voluntariat Ambiental U.V.

Servei de Prevenció i Medi Ambient U.V.

Imelsa Diputació de València

Bloc d'Estudiants Agermanats

A.C. El gat negre.



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