Certificació de nivell de valencià
Exams for the Valencian Knowledge Certificates

June 2016 Call. Registration open.


The Servei de Política Lingüística opens the registration for the exams for the Valencian Knowledge Certificates within the CIEACOVA (Comissió Interuniversitària d’Estandardització d’Acreditacions de Coneixements de Valencià) addressed to all the university community and the society. These exams are common to all the Valencian universities (www.cieacova.com). Bare in mind that the Pla d'increment de la docència en valencià approved by the Governing Council stablish the C1 Valencian level requirement for the calls of vacancies of teaching and research staff, promotions, etc.: http://www.uv.es/sgeneral/Reglamentacio/Doc/Professorat/A15.pdf Remember also that those people passing the exams of the A2, B1, C1 or C2 levels by the Universitat de València will also obtain the equivalent certificate of the Valencian Government, according to the agreement of the 7 June 2011 of the Comissió d’homologacions del Ple de la Junta Qualificadora de Coneixements de Valencià. Those interested in taking the exam (including the SPL students) can register from the 25 April to the 13 May through the web page of the Servei de Política Lingüística (http://www.uv.es/spl). Fore more information, see this site or send an email to spl@uv.es.


Date From 25 april 2016 to 12 may 2016. 24h. Every day.

  • 13 may 2016 at 00:00 to 14:00. Friday.

Online registration

Organized by

Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València.



Contact spl@uv.es

More information