Valencian mountain and valley landscape
The lived landscape ─ emblematic landscapes and landscape discordances

During the last years the citizen’s interest for landscape issues has increased. Consistent, harmonious open space generates well-being in people, which results in social demand of quality landscapes. The Convención Europea del Paisaje (European Convention of Landscapes) defines landscape as: “any part of the territory, as perceived by the towns, whose character comes from the action of natural and human factors and their interrelations”. It constitutes a resource that favours the economic activity, contextualises the cultural and natural heritage and is part of the living environment of the population, helping to reinforce their own identity. Because all of this, it is necessary to have the landscape in mind in front of territorial sorting and urban planning actions. Planning the territorial model we desire in a participative way and with landscape criteria. The Chair for Citizen Participation and Valencian Landscapes’ aim is to consider and research about topics related to the population’s conception and valuation about the Valencian landscapes. Another purpose is the knowledge disclosure and transfer when it comes to landscape and the citizen participation. All this within a collaboration framework between the Valencian Department of Housing, Public Works and Territorial Structure and the Universitat de València for the promotion of knowledge and diffusion of Valencian landscapes.

The session “The lived landscape ─ emblematic landscapes and landscape discordances” is considered a meeting for sensitivity and participation. Its aim is to promote the landscape value in a participative way and to share collective knowledge at the same time, aiming to improve our comprehension about the civic conception of landscapes: Intellectual-collaborative atlas of Valencian landscapes. Those elements that take quality away from the regional landscape will be also cooperatively identified as well. The format is Session-Workshop, where Universitat de València’s specialists in landscape and territory will talk about landscape values and the importance of them for society, starting a reflection and also a debate. Plus, a participative workshop focused on the identification and shared evaluation of regional landscapes through cartography will take place.

Session programme

5PM Inauguration of the session and presentation of the Chair Mireia Estepa Olcina - Mayor of Concentaina Jorge Hermosilla Plano - Vice-principal for Territorial Projection and Participation Josep Vicent Boira i Maiques - Autonomic Secretary of the Housing Council, Public Works and Territorial Support of the Valencian Government Emilio Iranzo García - Chair for Citizen Participation and Valencian Landscapes.

5:20PM Conference: The landscape values Emilio Iranzo García - Professor of the Geography Department of the UV and Codirector of the Chair for Citizen Participation and Valencian Landscapes.

6PM Conference: Landscapes and cultural heritage of the Joan Carles Membrado Tena County - Professor of the Department of Geography of the UV.

6:45PM Coffee break.

7PM Participative workshop. The lived landscape ─ emblematic landscapes and landscape discordances

8:30PM End of the sessions. An attendance certificate will be delivered.


Date 27 april 2017 at 17:00 to 21:00. Thursday.


Casa de la Joventut Pla de la Font, 10. CP: 03820 Cocentaina

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