
The session “The lived landscape: emblematic landscapes and landscape dissonances” is designed as a meeting to encourage awareness and participation. Its aim is to promote the value of landscapes in a participative way and to share collective knowledge with the purpose of improving our comprehension about the citizen conception of landscape: the map that all citizens have in their minds about it. In addition, the elements that make regional landscape lose quality will be cooperatively identified.

It is a Workshop-Session, where specialists in landscape and territory of the Universitat de València will explain the value of landscape and its importance in society. This will open a reflection and debate. It will also be a participative workshop, oriented to the identification and shared evaluation of the regional landscape through cartography.


Date 30 march 2017 at 17:00 to 20:30. Thursday.


Centro Social de Titaguas

Organized by

The Universitat de València, through the Office of the Vice‐Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation, in collaboration with the City Hall of Titaguas and the Valencian Department of Housing, Public Works and Structuring of the Territory..



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