Registration open from 5 until 19 February. Validated by one free elective credit. The course takes place on 22, 24 and 26 February.


Seen in perspective, from cave painting to the current development of images created by computers. Contemporary technologies are not created or generated, at the beginning, for artistic purposes and are the artists who, by using these technologies for critical or experimental purposes, redefine them as artistic means, as Art of the New Means.

The Art of the New Means is a relatively new form of art within a centuries long tradition in History of Art, but with a justified and established basis and evolution within Contemporary Art. The seminar suggests an introductory approach to the Art of the New Means , their languages and *sub-languages, origins, the tools it uses and the spaces in which this art is created. From its beginning in the 50s to present times. We will review and analyse dynamically the current state of this art through centres, representative pieces, the tools used and how was the evolution of the exercise and digital creation in the millennium change. The theoretical texts and digital platforms are also part of the network regarding the theory and exercise of the Art of the New Means in their natural environment, the Internet. We will introduce and analyse different spaces and digital platforms as research and theory sources, with regard to this Art.

The course takes place on 22, 24 and 26 February.

  • From 5 february 2016 to 19 february 2016. Wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday at 09:00 to 14:00.
  • From 22 february 2016 to 26 february 2016. Monday, wednesday and friday at 16:00 to 19:00.

Room A31 in the Aulari I of Blasco Ibañez Campus

Organized by

Institute of Creativity and Valencian Association of Art Critics.



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