Fòrum de Debats

Notas y contranotas para una estética teatral. Aportaciones de la escena al pensamiento contemporáneo


Book presentation

“Notas y contranotas para una estética teatral.

Aportaciones de la escena al pensamiento contemporáneo” (notes and counter-notes for a theatre aesthetics. Contributions of scenes to Contemporary Art).

(7th International Award Artez Blai of Scenic Arts Research)

With the intervention of

Román de la Calle

Full University Professor of Aesthetics

Ana Noguera

Full University Professor and member of the Valencian Cultural Committee

Carles Alfaro

Stage manager

Enrique Herreras

Theatre critic. Author of the book

Free admission, limited seats


Date 25 october 2016 at 19:00 to 21:00. Tuesday.


Aula Magna (Universitat, 2)

Organized by

Fòrum de Debats.


Contact cultura@uv.es