Organización Territorial. De escala local a escala global.
Remembered territories, wrong spaces. Environment for educating and of social commitment

Registration Open. Coordinator: Ricard Huerta. Gandía.



From 9:30 to 13:30 hours

Educational environment free of homophobia: to gain the freedom and human rights territories’ Institute of Creativity and Teaching Innovation Department of Musical, Visual and Corporal Expression. Universitat de València.

From 13:30 to 14:30 hours

hours ‘The aesthetic quality in schools: wrong spaces in front of the desired environment for the student body’ Amparo Alonso Sanz. Insitute of Creativity and Teaching Innovation Department of Musical, Visual and Corporal Expression. Universitat de València.


From 16:00 to 18:30 hours

‘The aesthetic quality in schools: wrong spaces in front of the desired environment for the student body’ Amparo Alonso Sanz. Insitute of Creativity and Teaching Innovation Department of Musical, Visual and Corporal Expression. Universitat de València.

Tuesday 19 July


From 9:30 to 13:30 hours

‘The great opportunity of audiovisual educational: from the local environment to the global field’ Paula Jardón Giner. Insitute of Creativity and Teaching Innovation Department of Musical, Visual and Corporal Expression. Universitat de València.

From 13:30 to 14:30 hours

‘Space, education and literature’ Francesc Jesús Hernández Dobón. Director of the Institute of Creativity and Teaching Innovation. Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology. Universitat de València.


From 16:00 to 18:30 hours

‘Space, education and literature’ Director of teh Insitute of Creativity and Teaching Innovation. Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology. Universitat de València.


Date From 19 may 2016 to 15 july 2016. 24h. Every day.

  • From 18 july 2016 to 19 july 2016. Monday and tuesday at 09:30 to 14:30.
  • From 18 july 2016 to 19 july 2016. Monday and tuesday at 16:00 to 18:30.

Calle Tossa, 8, Gandia

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