Aids for favouring the creation of experimental development projects between research companies, groups, associations and organisms.


The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness has made pubic the 2015 call for the granting of aids corresponding to the Retos-Colaboración (Challengins-Collaboration) Call of the State Programme for Research, Development and Innovations Geared towards Soical Challanges, within the framework of the 2013-2016 State Plan (before IMPACTO projects). The period for applications submission will be from 23 January to 24 February 2015, at 15:00 (1500 CET).

It consists of aids for favouring the creation of experimental development projects between research companies, groups, association (coordinators) and organisms, in order to promote the development of new technologies, the businesses application of new ideas and techniques and to contribute to the creation of new products and services.

The university can participate subcontracted or as a beneficiary of the aid at marginal costs in projects leaded by companies.

From the Office of Research Results Transfer (OTRI) we can help you disseminate your ideas and proposals and look for business partners, apart from elaborating the agreement that will formalise the collaboration among participants.

Important: The UV, previously to the signature of its participation in this call, will carry out a financial risk assessment of the project, of the stability of commerce and of the coordinating company. To do so, those researchers who have the intention of submitting an application must facilitate to the OTRI the composition of the consortium in advance to carry out the opportune assessment (between 8 and 15 February 2015).


ScheduleFrom 23 january 2015 to 24 february 2015. Monday at 10:00 to 15:00.


Office of Research Results Transfer (OTRI)

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Office of Research Results Transfer (OTRI).



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