They will analyse the Master's Degrees in Corporate Law, Cultural Management, Quality Management.


From 25 to 27 March, the UV will receive the Committee’s visit who, within the frame of the university degrees qualification renewal, shall evaluate the official Master’s Degrees iCorporate Law, Cultural Management, Quality Management.

The External Assessment Committee integrates five members from different Spanish Universities. During the visit, the evaluators will examine the facilities of the centers where the master’s degrees are taught and will hold interviews with different groups related to the degree: students, teachers, Administrative and Service Staff (PAS), executive board members of the centers, graduated people and employers. Likewise, there will be a public audiences, on 27 March between 9:30 and 10:15 at the Salo de Graus of the Faculty of Social Sciences,so that anyone interested who has not been previously interviewed can feel free to share their vision on the assessed master’s degrees.


ScheduleFrom 25 march 2015 to 27 march 2015. Wednesday, thursday and friday at 09:00 to 20:00.


Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Law.

Organized by

Quality unit.

