Master’s Degrees in Molecular Approaches in Health Sciences, Aquiculture and Basic and Applied Neurosciences will be analyse.


From 27 to 28 April, UV will receive the visit of the committee which, in the framework of the renovation programme of the accreditation of university degrees, must evaluate the official master’s degrees in Molecular Approaches in Health Sciences, Aquiculture and Basic and Applied Neurosciences.

The External Assessment Committee is formed by four members of different Spanish universities. During the visit, the assessors will examine the centre facilities where the master’s degrees are given and they will meet with different collectives involved in the degrees: students, faculty, management teams, graduates, employers, support staff and self-assessment committee. There will also be a public hearing on 28th April at 10:15 at the boardroom at Delegate’s Building of Burjassot Campus for any interested person and those people who have not been interviewed previously can contribute their point of view of evaluated master’s degrees.


ScheduleFrom 27 april 2015 to 28 april 2015. Monday and tuesday at 09:00 to 18:30.


Faculty of Biological Sciences and Delegate’s Building of Burjassot Campus

Organized by

Quality Unit.

