Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

‘L’Espill’ publishes its 51 issue with important changes in design and layout

Cover of the new ‘L’Espill’.

The journal ‘L’Espill’ reaches its 51 issue with an important change in the general presentation of the journal, the cover and the inside layout. The renovation of the wrapper of the publication expects to make its reading easier and more pleasant, with a clearer new layout. Furthermore, there have been introduced content changes.

From now on there will be a new section dedicated to a contemporary artist, in this case Perejaume, with reproduction of his or her work and texts both by the artist and about him or her. Manuel Guerrero writes about the work and trajectory of Perejaume. For his part, the artists proposes us an unpublished work (‘Retaulística’) and also an unpublished text (‘Obra d’agrarietat’). A good opportunity for us to get closer to one of the most interesting artists of the current picture.

The summary also includes a dossier about an always controversial topic (with the title ‘Considerancions intempestives sobre els Països Catalans’: ‘Untimely considerations about the Catalan Countries’), with articles by Antoni Furió, Gustau Muñoz, Pau Viciano, Ferran Garcia-Oliver and Antoni Rico.

In addition to an interview to Josep Piera in charge of Ferran Garcia-Oliver and to a sample of the accounts of Enric Balaguer, there are also included articles by Salvador Giner about Ramon Llull, by Terry Eagleton about the death of the university, by Georgi Marinov about science and economic growth, by Paola Lo Cascio about the sovereigntist process in Catalonia and the end of a political cycle, by Toni Mollà about the power of comunication groups, by Gonçal López-Pampló about the essay as a genre and by Àlex Broch about the narrative work of Martí Domínguez. As a document it is offered a very juicy correspondence between Josep Iborra and Josep Garcia Richart, two important men who were great literature readers.

Finally, critical reviews of three important books: Vicenç Rosselló about ‘El món d’ahir’ by Joan Estelrich, Carles Cabrera about the biography of Joan Perucho that has recently published Julià Gullamon, and Javier Ruiz Moscardó about ‘La resistència íntima’, by Josep Maria Esquirol.

All the information about the journal is available at:

Last update: 20 de may de 2016 11:17.

News release