Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Theatre in Valencian. Go to the closest CAL with your university ID to acquire the passes exchangeable for tickets



By Xavo Giménez

With Pau Blanco and Xavo Giménez

Company: Purna Teatre

From 7 to 16 October 2015

Performances: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 20:30, Saturday and Sunday at 19:00. Monday 12 October at 19:00

Purna Teatre is tired of militant struggle, hurtful humour and protest theatre. We have just decided to throw in the towel. Well, rather than throw in the towel, we are going to put it around our head and apply good theatre therapy to our entire body. We have designed a Spa. A place full of leisure services where the ‘spañol’ (Spanish people) do not think, just enjoy. Where problems are neglected and the shits on the sidewalks are replaced by roads of roses.

With your university ID, ask the CAL (Independent Language Learning Centre) for the passes. Campuses where the CAL is located: (Burjassot, Library of Sciences; Tarongers, Aulari Nord; Blasco Ibáñez, Aulari V), where you can exchange the passes for tickets at the box office of the theatre one hour before the show.

  • From 7 october 2015 to 16 october 2015. Wednesday, thursday and friday at 20:30 to 22:00.
  • From 10 october 2015 to 12 october 2015. Monday, saturday and sunday at 19:00 to 20:30.

carrer del Mestre Palau, 3, València

Organized by

Teatre el Micalet

Collaborates: Language Policy Service.



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