Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Public Call 2016 VLC-BIOMED Programme for promotion of new collaborations between researchers from UV and La Fe Hospital.


Submission deadline for expressions of interest related to the public call for subsidies by the 2016 VLC-BIOMED Programme –which aims to promote new collaborations in R&D&I between researchers/professionals of UV together with the University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe-Health Research Institute La Fe (HUP/IIS La Fe)– is now open.

There are two lines of subsidies:

- Sub-programme A. Subsidies for implementation of preparatory actions UV-La Fe: aimed to support preparatory actions of new collaboration projects.

- Sub-programme B. Subsidies for the development of joint innovative projects: aimed to support the development of joint innovative and technological development projects based in some results of preliminary experiences already proven and that show transfer potential to the health system or in need of a clinic and/or technological validation

Proposals must have, at least, two main researchers, one from the UV and another from the HUP/IIS La Fe, in addition to a research group.

The deadline for submission of expressions of interest starts 20 June and ends 8 July 2016, both included.

The announcement of the public call for subsidies, sub-programmes A and B, is scheduled for 10 June 2016.


Date From 20 october 2016 to 8 november 2016. 24h. Every day.


Office of the Vice-principal for Research and Science Policy

Organized by

Vicerectorat d’Investigació i Política Científica. Oficina de Transferència de Resultats d’Investigació (OTRI).

