Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

The Office of the Principal hosts, on Thursday, the presentation of the report ‘Via Universitària: accés, condicions d’aprenentatge, expectatives i retorns dels estudis universitaris’

Office of the Principal of the Universitat.

The building of the Office of the Principal of the Universitat de València hosts, on Thursday 26 May, the presentation of the report ‘Via Universitària: accés, condicions d’aprenentatge, expectatives i retorns dels estudis universitaris’ (‘University Way: access, learning conditions, expectations and return of the university studies’), promoted by the Jaume Bofill Foundation with the collaboration of the Vives Network. The event will start at 18 hours. The entry is free, but you need to register first by clecking here.

During the first semester of 2015, 19 universities and 20,512 students of the universities of the Vives Network have taken part in the survey ‘Via Universitaria’. The conclusions of the analysis of the data collected gives high value information about the students living conditions, their dedication to studies, their relationship with the work world, the expectations of the studies and the differences between students from one field of studies or another.

On Thursday 26 May, at the Assembly Hall of the Office of the Principal (Blasco Ibáñez, 13). there will take place the presentation of the report. At the opening there will be participating Francisco J. Mora, president of the Vives Network and Principal of the Universitat Politècnica de València; Ismael Palacín, director of the Jaume Bofill Foundation; and Ramon Llopis, tenured university lecturer of Sociology at the Universirtat de València.

Hereafter there will take place the presentation of the report results. How are university students? What type of trajectories do they follow? What is the role of the student nowadays? F. Xavier Grau, vice-president of the Vives Network, and Elena Sintes, scientific director and executive of Via Universitaria and co-author of the report will be taking part.

Afterwards, there will be interventions of Antonio Ariño, full university professor of Sociology at the Universitat de València and member of the adviser team of Via Universitaria; Inés Soler, technician of Planification, Analysis and Evaluation of the Universitat de València; and Jordi Caparrós, delegate of Students at the Universitat de València.

At the closing there will be participating Josefina Bueno, general director of University, General Studies and Science.

Last update: 23 de may de 2016 09:11.

News release