Opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Three full university professors of the Universitat de València have been appointed members of Valencian Electoral Commission by the Corts

Imatge d'arxiu d'una urna.

Tomás Sala Franco, Remedio Sánchez Férriz and Carlos Flores Juberías, UV lecturers, have been appointed by the Mesa de las Corts Valencianes (Corts Valencianes Bureau) to fill three vacant posts in the Electoral Commission of the Valencian Community. Electoral Commission of the Valencian Community is responsible of guarantee the openness and objectivity of electoral processes.

According to Artículo 16 de la Ley 1/1987, all these posts have to been filled by “catedráticos o profesores titulares de Derecho, en activo, de las universidades valencianas, designados a propuesta conjunta de los partidos, federaciones, coaliciones o agrupaciones de electores con representación en Les Corts” (full university professors or tenured university lecturer in Law, in active of Valencian universities, appointed by a joint proposal of all parties, federations, coalitions or electors associations with representation in Les Corts). Francisco Visiedo Mazón, adjunct lecturer in Constitutional Law, is the fourth lecturer of the Universitat de València who will take part in the Electoral Commission of the Valencian Community; however he doesn’t have a vote, because of his condition of Secretary-General of the Cortes Valencianes.

Electoral Commission of the Valencian Community also has to act as guarantor for equality to access to public office, always without prejudice the powers that belong to courts of justice.

Tomás Sala Franco is graduated in Law by the Universitat de València (1968) and doctor by University of Bolonia (1970). Then, he was adjunct lecturer, temporary adjunct lecturer and full-time temporary lecturer in the Faculty of Political and Economic Sciences in the Complutense University of Madrid. Since 1975, he is a full university professor in Labour and Social Security Law in Faculty of Law of the Universitat de València. He has been president of the Comisión Consultiva Nacional de Convenios Colectivos (2004-2008) and arbitrator of Arbitration Panels of Resolución de conflictos and of Acuerdo Interprofesional de Solución de Conflictos (Conflict Resolution and Interprofessional Agreement of Conlict Resolution in the Community) of Madrid and Valencian Community. He has published, independently or in collaboration, a total of 69 books and more than 250 articles about Labour and Social Security Law. 

Remedio Sánchez Ferriz is a full university professor of Constitutional Law of the Universitat de València since 1989. She has already carried out other teaching and academic posts in this institution, in which she graduated and did one's PhD with Special Award in both of them. She has written more than 150 essays in collective books and magazines, as well as fifteen books. She is member of the Comisión de Codificación civil (Civic Codification Commission) of the Valencian Community and she has supervised eleven PhD theses. She has been a visiting lecturer in the Sapienza University of Rome and the Roma Tre. She has worked as a researcher in the Italian Corte Costituzionale (1986-87).

Finally, Carlos Flores Juberías (Valencia, 1964) is a graduated and doctor in Law by the Universitat de València -with Special Award in both of them- he is also graduated in Political Sciences by UNED. Since 1995, he has been a tenured university lecturer in Constitutional Law and, since 2013, he has been a full university professor in the Universitat de València. Between 1993 and 1995, he was a Fullbright grant holder and a visiting lecturer in the University of California, San Diego. His publications have focused on a comparative study of electoral processes and creating systems of parties in new democracies of East Europe, as well as the constitutionalisation in these new democratic institutions. He has been, since his creation, secretary (1992-1997) and director (1997-) of the magazine Cuadernos Constitucionales and has supervised a total of six PhD theses. Since 2011, he is doctor honoris causa by the Universidad de San Francisco Xavier in Sucre (Bolivia).


Last update: 18 de december de 2014 07:00.

News release