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07Continue to develop policies to consolidate the professional progress of the administrative and service staff. The development of the professional career of the PAS requires the design of a career plan, as well as offering tools that allow them to improve their conditions and respond to the needs of the University. We will encourage internal promotion, promoting both vertical and horizontal careers, and we will support the stabilisation of temporary staff and the consolidation of temporary employment into permanent positions. When the regulatory and economic conditions allow it, evaluation procedures accompanied by a system of incentives will be articulated.


08Advance professionally by improving training and qualifications. We will draw up a training plan for the administrative and service staff (PAS), through a participative mechanism to detect training needs, which will allow us to prioritise specialisation and the acquisition of skills that ensure professional updating and the development of competences to offer the university community a quality service. We must expand the range of courses for the development of essential skills such as language learning or electronic management. We will invest in executive and senior management training, and we will strengthen the mobility programmes for the administrative and service staff, both nationally and internationally, with short stays in services at other universities.


09Facilitate and improve the teleworking model. The implementation of teleworking is an opportunity to modernise university administration, improve administrative processes and work organisation. Progress in electronic management in our university and the commitment to the development of teleworking will allow us to obtain better digital skills for PAS, in addition to facilitating the reconciliation of personal, work and family life, as well as guaranteeing a quality public service.

10Strengthen the organisation and management structure. We will review the organisation of the current structures in order to move towards a high-quality, user-oriented management model, introducing new professional profiles into the structure to help meet the new management challenges. To this end, an in-depth review of the catalogue of job functions will be carried out. We will promote the creation of new, more functional units to simplify and improve administrative work and respond to the development of new technologies, while at the same time strengthening the services and units that support the university community, teaching, research and culture.

11Maintain participation, dialogue and consensus in decision-making. We will continue to promote the functioning of the Negotiating Committee as a channel for the participation of the PAS representatives in the management processes and decisions that affect the collective, fostering dialogue and the search for consensus.

12Improve working conditions. We will extend the workload studies of the management structures, we will analyse the difficulties and training needs for the exercise of the jobs and we will improve the work spaces with the resulting reorganisations. Insofar as the legal regulatory framework and economic availabilities allow, we will progressively introduce a compensatory allowance for the specific allowance in March. We will promote the creation of the Annual Awards in recognition of the management activity carried out by PAS, as a formula for the dissemination of activities, successes and good management practices among the university community.