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13Continue with the stabilisation of temporary teaching staff. In the last four years we have managed to eliminate the interim contracting of doctoral assistant lecturers and to advance their stabilisation as doctoral contract lecturers and tenured university lecturers without having to reach the end of their contract. We will maintain this commitment to stabilisation, despite the limitations imposed by the replacement rate. We will continue to apply the stabilisation programme for associate lecturers, which was made more flexible three years ago to facilitate their access.


14Guarantee the promotion of tenured and tenure-track lecturers to the civil service teaching bodies. We will maintain the commitment to the promotion in the professional career of teaching staff with permanent links as they obtain the necessary accreditations.

15Establish new positions for doctoral assistant lecturers. It is essential for the renewal and expansion of the teaching and research staff (PDI) to continue to provide positions for doctoral assistant lecturers, prioritising the areas of knowledge with the greatest teaching deficit. It will be possible to consider the allocation of assistant lecturer posts in areas with proven problems in the recruitment of doctoral assistants. The criteria adopted by the Teaching Staff Committee regarding the deficit of permanent and civil servant PDI, temporary and ageing staff will continue to be applied in a consensual manner in the review of the staff.

16Regulate and use the contracting of substitute teaching staff. This figure has recently been included in the Autonomous Community regulations, but its regulation has yet to be finalised in order to implement this contracting, which will make it possible to cover situations of replacement of PDI and to make more appropriate use of the figure of associate lecturers.

17Facilitate the incorporation of research staff into the PDI. It must be made possible for research staff in training and doctoral researchers to achieve the teaching and research merits necessary for their accreditation as teaching staff, which will allow them to opt to join PDI. The line of flexible access to the positions reserved for the stabilisation of accredited research staff with the I3 certificate will be maintained.

18Claim the signing of the collective agreement and the reform of the legal regulations in order to be able to improve the salaries of the PDI. The improvement of the working and remuneration conditions of the PDI depends on the definitive signing of the pre-agreement of the collective agreement for the employment staff and the modification of the remuneration decrees that regulate the salary complements. We will continue to demand these governmental actions and public funding for improvements in pay, particularly for associate lecturers, but also for other categories.