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Juan Rulfo’s novel Pedro Páramo to be analysed in the Alumni Reading Club on December

  • November 29th, 2019
Juan Rulfo

On December 3rd, the Alumni Reading Club will meet every month to discuss Juan Rulfo's novel Pedro Páramo, a classic of Hispanic American literature. The group gather at 6 p.m. in the Library of the Palacio de la Exposición. Remember that if you are not part of the club, you must contact the Alumni office before coming.

In this occasion, Alumni will address another classic, this time of  the Latin American literature, Pedro *Páramo, by the Mexican Juan Rulfo. Another short novel of great historical background, classified within the genre of the revolutionary novel.  Its excellent quality, condensed in a short text with a wide content, where magical realism is used, made it a precursor of the Latin American boom inherited by authors such as García Márquez, Cortázar, Vargas Llosa or the also Mexican Carlos Fuentes.

Check all the Activities of the month of December