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The GENERAL FOUNDATION OF THE UNIVERSITAT DE VALÈNCIA, OF THE VALENCIAN COMMUNITY, in accordance with the provisions of article 8 of its Statutes, has the fundamental mission of cooperating in the fulfillment of the purposes of the University of Valencia.

This is a task that is carries out through the Management request of the Universitat de València, which it develops through three large areas of action and its general services.

The experience and knowledge of the sociocultural, training and teaching environment, as well as the field of university development cooperation, provide the General Foundation of the Universitat de València with the necessary tools to establish itself as a bridge between the Universitat de València and the society, transfer, dissemination, diffusion, cultural democratization, training and solidarity.


Fields of action


  1. Culture and Education, which encompasses the Area of Musical Activities (Philharmonic Orchestra of the Universitat de València, the University Choir of València, the Choir School of La Nau, the Coral Club of La Nau Gran and the Colla de Dolçaines) Contemporary Art and management of the Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection, Cultural Promotion and Exhibitions (Plastic Arts), Cultural and Scientific Heritage (heritage cataloging and restoration programs) Performing Arts (theatre), AlumniUV, Cultural Volunteering (university and citizen participation), UVGandia (Summer University of Gandia, postgraduate and courses), the European Documentation Center (information and documentation), the Digital Newspaper Library, the Erasmus Scene European Network, the Cinema Classroom, the Valencian Design Archive, the Cultural Observatory, the Lluís Vives European School of Touhgt and Art and Mind.
  2. University services, by UVemployment, UVdisability, La Nau Menuda - La Nau Jove, La Tenda de la UV and Incorporation UV.
  3. Solidarity, which includes InfoSudDocumentation in Cooperation and the University Center for Diagnosis and Early Care (CUDAP). 


General Services


The General Services provide administrative, IT, legal and communication assistance to the three Areas of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València and several Universitat de València programmes and projects following the request of the academic institution.

The General Services of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València are:

  1. Administrative (Accounts and Taxes, Human Resources, Occupational Risks Prevention and Treasury): accountability and tax tasks, budgetary control, management of staff and other functions.
  2. Marketing and Communication: designs and develops tasks of marketing, image, advertisement, communication, dissemination of activities and projects.
  3. IT: provides IT support to all the departments, programmes and areas of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València.
  4. Legal: elaborates regulations and expresses its opinion on the civil, trade and administrative laws, as well as specific regulations of the foundational sector.


Establishment of the Foundation


The General Foundation of the Universitat de València, of the Valencian Community, registered in the Record of Foundation of the Valencian Community, was created by the Universitat de València in June 15, 1.983, thanks to initial funds given by Joaquín Maldonado Almenar.