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Professor Gilles Boeuf teaches a seminar that analyses the human impact on biodiversity

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • April 1st, 2019
Gilles Boeuf.
Gilles Boeuf.

The Cavanilles Institute for Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology has organised a seminar, ‘Co-evolution between biodiversity and humanity’, on Tuesday, April 2, in the SS6 Seminar Room of the building of institutes of the Science Park. The event, at 4.30 pm, will be led by Professor Gilles Boeuf, Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University (Sorbonne University, France) and currently president of the French Agency for Diversity.

The seminar will suggest that while human beings have hardly hit biodiversity for three or four million years over the 4,000 million in which there has been life on planet Earth, on the contrary in the last 400 they have had a very remarkable role. The conference will outline, from the perspective of the specialist, what can be done to restore the balance between species, and with regard to the environmental impact, at the human being era.


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