Universitat de ValènciaCSICInstitute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2sysbio) Logo del portal


We propose to gather the most relevant stakeholders of all the aspects of standardisation in biology in Europe in a co-creation scenario; to empirically test cultural (lab-centric) standardisation practices and promote a consensus conceptual and technical redefinitionof biological standards; and, finally, to foster a realistic and flexible toolbox of standard biological parts, including a reduced set of specialised chassis for specific applications as well as a renewed conceptual framework to inform policy makers, scientific and other societal actors.



Title: 'Fostering Synthetic Biology: standarisation through international collaboration'.
Coordination: Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology Group (UVEG).

We propose to gather the most relevant stakeholders of all the aspects of standardisation in biology in Europe in a co-creation scenario; to empirically test cultural (lab-centric) standardisation practices and promote a consensus conceptual and technical redefinitionof biological standards; and, finally, to foster a realistic and flexible toolbox of standard biological parts, including a reduced set of specialised chassis for specific applications as well as a renewed conceptual framework to inform policy makers, scientific and other societal actors.

Total amount: 1 998 787,50 €.
Ref. Grant Agreement ID 820699

European Union - Horizon 2020

Non-UV principal researchers

M. Porcar

Start date
2018 January
End date
2021 December
Funding agencies:

H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2018-2020 (Transforming European Industry). Topic BIOTEC-01-2018. Type of Action: CSA


27 (from EU, North America and Asia).

Project type
  • EU - Horizon Europe (HE): Coordination and Support Actions (CSA)