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Genomics of Adaptation Network

A fundamental consequence of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is the explanation of adaptation as the result of a natural process. However, the underlying genetic mechanisms are not yet resolved and constitute a fundamental issue in Evolutionary Biology. New Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques allow evolutionary issues to be addressed on a scale previously unthinkable. Nevertheless, the rapid evolution of these technologies makes their application very difficult, especially in their analytical and bioinformatics aspects, since many unforeseen problems of management, storage, transmission, analysis or interpretation have to be solved, which represents a very important challenge in this field.

Title: Genomics of Adaptation Network.

Research Group: Molecular Epidemiology

A fundamental consequence of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is the explanation of adaptation as the result of a natural process. However, the underlying genetic mechanisms are not yet resolved and constitute a fundamental issue in Evolutionary Biology. New Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques allow evolutionary issues to be addressed on a scale previously unthinkable. Nevertheless, the rapid evolution of these technologies makes their application very difficult, especially in their analytical and bioinformatics aspects, since many unforeseen problems of management, storage, transmission, analysis or interpretation have to be solved, which represents a very important challenge in this field.

In this proposal we request funding to continue the activities of the AdaptNet network, promoted by 9 research groups (RGs) with international prestige. Together, these GRs have produced numerous scientific articles and have extensive experience with model and non-model organisms, in wild and domestic species, in the study of adaptive radiation, in molecular biology technologies, in the analysis of NGS data (RNA-seq, assembly and genomic annotation), in theoretical studies, in evolutionary and functional genomics, in molecular systematics and in bioinformatics. However, no single group has the experience and critical size necessary to effectively address the multiple challenges of genomic study of adaptation. In fact, the analysis of NSW data has many open-ended questions and intricate methodological subtleties. The network will offer GRs a unique opportunity to work closely together, sharing their experience to identify the needs and opportunities of studies using NGS techniques, generating the critical mass necessary for the multidisciplinary approach required to extend Genomics to Evolutionary Biology and vice versa.

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

Non-UV principal researchers

Fernando González Candelas

Non-UV participating researchers

  • Rafael Zardoya San Sebastián
  • David Posada González
  • Julio Rozas Liras
  • Pablo Vargas Gómez
  • Josefa González Pérez
  • Sebastián E. Ramos Onsins
  • Carles Vilà Arbonés
  • Juan Antonio Gabaldón Estevan

Start date
2018 July
End date
2020 June
Funding agencies:

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades


  • Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales-CSIC
  • Universidad de Vigo
  • Universidad de Barcelona
  • Real Jardín Botánico – CSIC
  • Instituto de Biología Evolutiva UPF-CSIC
  • CRAG
  • Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC
  • Centro de Regulación Genómica (CRG)