Knowledge branch: ARTS AND HUMANITIES
Undergraduate degree website:
Credits: 240
Basic training: 60
Compulsory: 138
Elective: 30
Work Placement/Internship: 0
Final Project: 12
Degree code: 1002
Classes: Presencial
Years: 4
Price of credit for non-resident foreign students 19.19€
Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]: 12.79€
Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies: Not applicable
Languages used in class: ------
Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 30 ECTS
Degree Academic Committee President (CAT): Ricós Vidal, Amparo
Degree Coordinator: Mikel Labiano Illundain
Work Placement/Internship Coordinator: Ana R. Calero Valera/ Ferran Grau Codina
International Coordinator: Marco Antonio Coronel Ramos
The Degree in Classical Philology offers a wide-ranging training in Greco-Roman Antiquity, and in particular, the languages that characterise it: Latin and Greek. Studying this cultural world, which was fundamental in the origin and development of European society, provides a solid humanistic training, and at the same time allows the student to acquire the philological skills that will prepare them for professional practice. As a result, students will develop strategies for the administration of information and the application of new technologies in the languages sector.
Teaching is the professional field that is most favoured by graduates in Classical Philology, even though there are many other opportunities available to graduates in this degree. From the third academic year onwards, students can choose between intensifying their preparation in Classical Philology by means of the degree’s optional subjects, or complementing their studies with a second language, by taking a minor programme. A minor is a set of 30 optional credits, granted to students of a second language who have previously taken subjects counting for 12 basic training credits. All Classical Philology students take Spanish and Catalan, as they are compulsory subjects, and even if they don’t take a minor programme, they must study a second language (Arabic, Basque, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Russian).