Undergraduate degree website:

Credits: 240

Basic training: 60

Compulsory: 120

Elective: 48

Work Placement/Internship: 0

Final Project: 12

Degree code: 1316

Classes: Presencial

Years: 4

Price of credit for non-resident foreign students 19.19€

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies: Not applicable

Languages used in class: ------

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 24 ECTS part-time/36 ECTS full time

Degree Academic Committee President (CAT): Dolores Forés Conchell

Degree Coordinator: Mª Luisa Escriche Bertolín

Work Placement/Internship Coordinator: Paz Rico Belda

International Coordinator: Juan Alberto Sanchis Llopis

Academic, scientific or professional interest:

The aim of the Degree in Economics is to produce professionals who can accomplish tasks related to management, guidance and assessment of economic affairs, both in private companies and in public institutions or any other institutions of economic or social relevance.
Graduates in Economics acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to analyse and interpret how the economy works, in order to identify and to anticipate relevant economic problems, and to defend or criticize the different alternatives that can solve them. As a result, students learn to understand the relationships between the economy and society and to propose solutions to economic problems from a global perspective.

Worth Noting:

In the fourth academic year, students must choose one of the four academic pathways. These pathways correspond with the main professional profiles of the degree. Each academic pathway consists of 48 optional credits (eight 6-credit subjects). Two subjects from one academic pathway can be replaced by the subject named External internships (12 credits). You can also study a part of this degree in English.