Knowledge branch: HEALTH SCIENCES
Undergraduate degree website:
Credits: 403.5
Basic training: 0
Compulsory: 343.5
Elective: 0
Work Placement/Internship: 42
Final Project: 18
Degree code: 1211
Classes: Presencial
Years: 6
Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]: 18.0€
Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies: Pharmacists/Dietitians-Nutritionists
Languages used in class: ------
Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 24 ECTS part-time students/36 ECTS full-time students
Degree Academic Committee President (CAT): Mª Luisa Ferrándiz Manglano (F)/ Mónica Fernández Franzón (NHD)
Degree Coordinator: Mª Teresa Barber Sanchis
Work Placement/Internship Coordinator: Carbó Valverde, Ester
International Coordinator: Ana Melero Zaera/ Emilia Ferrer García
The Double Degree in Pharmacy and in Human Nutrition and Dietetics qualifies graduates to practise as pharmacists and as dietitians-nutritionists, which are health occupations regulated by Spanish Law 44/2003, of 21 November.
Students are trained as experts on medicines and on their impact on health, and as professionals who can carry out activities related to the diet and nutrition of individuals or groups.
The Faculty of Pharmacy has arranged these studies in six academic years upon completion of which students obtain both qualifications. The existence of common subject areas allows distributing the teaching of curricular contents over time in a way that time devoted to training is optimised.
To study this double degree it is recommended that students have prior knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics.
If students wish to abandon the double degree programme but continue with one of the two degrees, they can choose which degree to continue.
(More information can be found on webpages of both degrees: Degree in Pharmacy and Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics)