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Language courses for Ukrainian refugees continue and the Psychological counselling service starts

  • May 13th, 2022
Image de la noticia

Around 150 students are learning in the language courses for Ukrainian refugees offered by the UV Languages Centre. Furthermore, the University now offers Valencian courses and launches a Psychological counselling service.

The principal of the Universitat de València, M. Vicenta Mestre, and the general manager of the UV, Juan Vicente Climent, visited the facilities of the Languages Centre (CI). Pedro Morillo, delegate of the principal of the Languages Centre; Nuria Atienzar, director for Administration and Finance of the CI; Daniel Adell, director of Studies and Quality; and the coordinators of area also went to the facilities of the Languages Centre to know first-hand the development of the language courses for the Ukrainian refugees. 

There are already 150 people who are attending the Spanish courses that will allow them to achieve an A2 level in less than two months. In this way, they will be able to overcome one of the main obstacles that refugees encounter when they arrive to a new country: language.

In addition, and from today, Friday 13th, the refugees can also attend to Valencian courses to facilitate and guarantee their insertion in a bilingual society such as the Valencian. A bilingualism that they are used to in their homeland and which they consider very positive.

In their visit they met a group of students and learned first-hand how the students felt about the course and how well they were doing. The principal took an interest in the personal situation of each of them and told them they have the full support of the institution and that they should not hesitate to communicate any needs that may arise.

These needs will be covered with the launch of the Psychological Counselling Service, which will be held at the Languages Centre, where all of the in-person activities destined for the refugees have been centralised. This new counselling service is coordinated by the Psicólogos Sin Fronteras organization (Psychologist Without Borders) and the office of the dean of the Faculty of Psychology. The service can be requested in this link or calling 960 450 231. The service will also count with volunteers, professionals from the Faculty and translators.

Finally, they also knew the service offered by volunteers from the University that offer a play centre service to take care of the refugees’ children during the classes so they can take better advantage of the courses.
