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Mastering English pronunciation: effective tips for improvement

  • January 16th, 2024
Image de la noticia

Improving your English pronunciation may seem challenging, but with the right combination of practice and resources, it is an achievable and rewarding process. Discover practical tips to help you hone your ability to pronounce English words and phrases with greater confidence and accuracy.

  1. Listen a lot: Auditory exposure is key. Listen to music, TV programmes, podcasts or films in English to get used to the sounds and intonations.
  2. Practice with native speakers: Conversing with native speakers helps you understand and adapt pronunciation more quickly. You can look for language exchanges or use language exchange apps.
  3. Use online resources: There are many online tools designed to improve pronunciation. Applications such as "Forvo" allow you to listen to pronunciations of specific words.
  4. Familiarise yourself with sounds: Some English sounds may not exist in your native language. Practising the pronunciation of these sounds can be helpful. For example, pay attention to the difference between 'th' in "this" and "thing".
  5. Read aloud: Reading aloud helps you become familiar with the pronunciation of words. You can read books, articles or any English text that interests you.
  6. Use apps and interactive resources: There are apps and websites, such as Duolingo, Speechling or BBC Learning English, which offer interactive exercises to improve your pronunciation.
  7. Record your voice: Record your reading or practice and then compare it with native speakers. This will help you identify areas for improvement.
  8. Practice intonation and rhythm: English has a specific rhythm and intonation. Pay attention to how words and phrases rise and fall in conversation.
  9. Don't be afraid to make mistakes: Making mistakes is part of the learning process. Learn from your mistakes and keep practising.


From minute 1:49 onwards