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Actividad de estudiantes
If you’re drawn to art, sign up for "Sabers tentaculars"

What’s “Sabers tentaculares”? An initiative intended for university students which, within the framework of the Public art / public university exhibition, will create a tentacular group of students to explore the relationships between disciplines in current art. With the guide of Curator and Cultural Mediator Alba Braza, students who take part in the initiative will be offered a guided visit at the exhibition and will engage directly with artists, artworks, collaborating professors, the organisation, etc. with the intent of sparking dialogue on art, exchanging knowledge in the process.

Sabers tentaculars will take place in two campuses simultaneously with the opening of the XXIV Public art exhibition in both of them. Registration for the Burjassot Campus event is open until all available vacancies are filled and will be held in October; registration for the event at Blasco Ibañez Campus opens on September 27th. Saberes tentaculares will take place throughout November. Registration is free and vacancies are limited.

The Public art / public university exhibition is an initiative of the Universitat de València seeking to revitalise both campuses (Burjassot and Blasco Ibáñez) and turn the university environment into a place of art intervention open to society.


Date From 8 september 2021 to 2 november 2021. 24h. Every day.


Universitat de València

Organized by

Information and Promotion Service (SEDI).



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