The Proteomics Section of the Universitat de València intends to offer a complete and comprehensive, state-of-the-art technological infrastructure in the field of proteomics that allows UV researchers, as well as researchers from other public research entities, to implement proteomic analysis methodologies. Thus, the Section provides both the latest generation of mass spectrometers and a highly qualified staff equipped to deal with new advances in Proteomics. It offers one of the widest portfolios of analytical services at national level and is a leading laboratory in the Valencian Community. We are committed to helping users perform high quality analyses, recognised nationally, as well as offering guidance and technical support throughout the requested analytical procedure.
Together, the availability of state-of-the-art equipment and technical staff specialised in its use allows the identification of proteins and the characterisation of post-translational modifications to be carried out with precision and efficiency, considerably increasing the coverage of the proteome being studies and allowing for “single cell” proteomic analysis. Similarly, this allows for quantitative targeted proteomic experiments and molecular image analyses to be carried out. Lastly, the Proteomics section has a laser microdissector that enables the microdissection of areas of interest, from histological preparations to the selection of individual cells in both visible and fluorescent areas. The Section also provides bioinformatics tools to analyse and integrate the experimental data generated. The goal of this joint effort is to provide the necessary support to researchers in order to extract the information biologically relevant to their proteomic experiments.