Autoclave steam steriliser, 890 litres, double door, for the deactivation of biological waste as well as the substrate fumigation prior to its use. The sterilisation is done with pressure saturated water steam, functioning according to the process of fractionated vacuum.
Open cultivation chamber for the growth and development of plants, completely shut off from the exterior and with precise control over the temperature, humidity, CO2 and radiation (max 300 μmoles/m2s per level) with the latest generation of white light LED tubes, with a focused spectrum for plant cultivation, AR 12.
Its internal dimensions are 2040 x 2010 x 3210 mm (height x width x depth).
Open cultivation chamber for the growth and development of plants, completely shut off from the exterior and with precise control over the temperature, humidity, CO2 and radiation (max 600 μmoles/m2s per level) with the latest generation of white light LED tubes, with a focused spectrum for plant cultivation, AR 12.
Its internal dimensions are 2040 x 2010 x 3210 mm (height x width x depth).
Venlo greenhouse cabin with biological containment level 1 (NCB1), with control of temperature, relative humidity, CO₂, lighting and irrigation through the Ridder Multima system for regulation, and climate and irrigation control.
Venlo greenhouse cabin with biological containment level 1 (NCB1), with control of temperature, relative humidity, CO₂, lighting and irrigation through the Ridder Multima system for regulation, and climate and irrigation control.
Standard greenhouse cabin type "venlo", with control of temperature, relative humidity, CO₂, lighting and irrigation through the Ridder Multima system for regulation, and climate and irrigation control.