Degree in Preschool Education

  • CE1: Understand the educational and learning processes in the period 0-6, in the family, social and school contexts. Know the advances in childhood developmental psychology in the periods 0-3 and 3-6. Know the basics of early care. Recognise the identity of this educational stage and its cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social and affective characteristics (continued in Order ECI/3854/2007).
  • CE2: Identify learning difficulties, cognitive dysfunctions and those relating to attention. Know how to inform other specialist professionals to work in collaboration with the school and the teacher to address any special educational needs that may arise. Acquire resources to favour the educational integration of students with difficulties.
  • CE3: Create and maintain communication links with families to effectively influence the educational process. Know and be able to exercise the functions of tutor and adviser in relation to family education. Promote and collaborate in actions inside and outside the school, organised by families, town halls and other institutions with an impact on citizen education (continued in Order ECI/3854/2007).
  • CE4: Know the basic principles of healthy development and behaviour. Identify disorders in sleep, eating, psychomotor development, attention, and auditory and visual perception. Collaborate with specialists to treat these disorders. Detect affective, nutritional and welfare deficiencies that disrupt the proper physical and psychological development of students.
  • CE5: Understand that the daily dynamics of pre-primary education change according to each student, group and situation and know how to be flexible when teaching. Value the importance of stability and regularity in the school environment, schedules and teachers' moods as factors contributing to the harmonious and comprehensive progress of students (continued in Order ECI/3854/2007).
  • CE6: Understand that systematic observation is a basic tool that can be used to reflect on practice and reality, and to contribute to innovation and improvement in pre-primary education. Master observation and recording techniques. Address field analysis through an observational methodology using information, documentation and audiovisual technologies. Know how to analyse the data obtained, gain a critical understanding of the reality and prepare a report of conclusions.
  • CE7: Situate the pre-primary school in the Spanish educational system and in the European and international context. Know international experiences and examples of innovative practices in pre-primary education. Value the importance of teamwork. Participate in the creation and monitoring of educational projects for pre-primary education within the framework of school projects and in collaboration with the territory and other professionals and social agents (continued in Order ECI/3854/2007).
  • CE8: Know the scientific, mathematical and technological foundations of the curriculum of this stage as well as the theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning. Know teaching strategies to develop numerical representations and teach spatial, geometric and logical development notions. Understand mathematics as socio-cultural knowledge (continued in Order ECI/3854/2007).
  • CE9: Know the language and literacy curriculum of this stage as well as the theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning. Promote speaking and writing skills. Know and master oral and written expression techniques. Know the oral tradition and folklore. Understand the transition from oral to written language and know the different registers and uses of the language (continued in Order ECI/3854/2007).
  • CE10: Acquire basic mathematical skills (numeracy, calculation, geometry, spatial representations, estimation and measurement, organisation and interpretation of information, etc.). Know the school math curriculum. Analyse, reason and communicate mathematical proposals. Raise and solve problems related to daily life. Value the relationship between mathematics and science as one of the pillars of scientific thinking (continued in Order ECI/3854/2007).
  • CE11: Know the musical, plastic and bodily expression foundations of the curriculum of this stage as well as the theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning. Know and use songs to promote auditory, rhythmic and vocal education. Know how to use play as a teaching resource and to design learning activities based on the principles of play (continued in Order ECI/3854/2007).
  • CE12: Understand the principles that contribute to cultural, personal and social education from the arts. Know the school curriculum of artistic education, in its plastic, audiovisual and musical aspects. Acquire resources to encourage lifelong participation in musical and artistic activities in and out of school. Develop and evaluate curriculum content through appropriate teaching resources and promote the corresponding competences in students.
  • CE13: Gain practical knowledge of the classroom and its management. Know and apply the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, and master the social skills and abilities needed to foster a climate that facilitates learning and coexistence. Monitor and follow up the educational process and, in particular, the teaching and learning process, by mastering the necessary techniques and strategies (continued in Order ECI/3854/2007).
  • CE14: Understand the educational and learning processes in the periods 0-6 and 6-12 years in the family, social and school context.
  • CE15: Know the characteristics of the students, as well as the characteristics of their motivational and social contexts.
  • CE16: Master the knowledge needed to understand the development of the personality of children in the period 0-12 years.
  • CE17: Know the main developmental milestones to detect risks in development.
  • CE18: Know the current proposals and developments based on skill learning.
  • CE19: Know how to promote the acquisition of habits as regards autonomy, freedom, curiosity, observation, experimentation, imitation, play and acceptance of rules and limits.
  • CE20: Know the pedagogical dimension of interaction with peers and adults and that related to co-education, and know how to promote participation in collective activities, cooperative work and individual effort.
  • CE21: Identify cognitive dysfunctions, learning difficulties and those related to attention.
  • CE22: Know the impact of physical difficulties on child development and be able to design an appropriate educational response.
  • CE23: Know the impact of exceptional cognitive abilities on child development and be able to design an appropriate educational response.
  • CE24: Know how to inform other specialist professionals to work in collaboration with the school and the teacher to address any special educational needs that may arise.
  • CE25: Acquire resources to favour the educational integration of students with difficulties.
  • CE26: Analyse and understand the educational processes within and outside the classroom at each stage.
  • CE27: Know the fundamentals of pre-primary and primary education.
  • CE28: Analyse teaching practice and the institutional conditions that frame it.
  • CE29: Know the historical evolution of the educational system in Spain and the political and legislative determinants of educational activity.
  • CE30: Address and solve discipline issues.
  • CE31: Know and deal with school situations in multicultural and co-educational contexts.
  • CE32: Know and apply innovative experiences in pre-primary and primary education.
  • CE33: Participate in the definition of the school's educational project and in its general activity in accordance with quality management criteria.
  • CE34: Understand that the daily dynamics of education change according to each student, group and situation and know how to be flexible when teaching.
  • CE35: Value the importance of stability and regularity in the school environment, schedules and teachers' moods as factors contributing to the harmonious and comprehensive progress of students.
  • CE36: Show social skills to understand families and to make oneself understood by them.
  • CE37: Create and maintain communication links with families to effectively influence the educational process.
  • CE38: Know and be able to exercise the functions of tutor and adviser in relation to family education.
  • CE39: Relate education to the environment and cooperate with families and the community.
  • CE40: Promote and collaborate in actions inside and outside the school, organised by families, town halls and other institutions, with an impact on citizen education.
  • CE41: Collaborate with the different sectors of the educational community and of the social environment.
  • CE42: Know the historical evolution of the family and the different types of families, lifestyles and educational styles in the family context.
  • CE43: Observe and explore the family, natural and social environment.
  • CE44: Acquire skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts which allow students to cope autonomously in the family and domestic environment, as well as in the social groups with which they relate.
  • CE45: Promote coexistence in and outside the classroom, solve discipline problems, address conflicts and contribute to their peaceful resolution.
  • CE46: Know, understand and respect the different cultures and the differences between people, the equality of rights and opportunities for men and women and the non-discrimination of people with disabilities.
  • CE47: Learn how to act as a counsellor for parents or tutors in relation to family education in each educational period and master social skills in dealing with and relating to each student's family and to families as a whole.
  • CE48: Understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the fundamental competences that affect pre-primary and primary schools and their professionals. Be aware of quality improvement models that can be applied to schools.
  • CE49: Reflect as a group on the acceptance of rules and respect for others. Promote the autonomy and uniqueness of each student as factors in the education of emotions, feelings and values in early childhood.
  • CE50: Carry out the functions of tutoring and guidance with students and their families, attending to the unique educational needs of the students.
  • CE51: Know and master oral and written expression techniques and use them properly in professional practice.
  • CE52: Recognise and value an appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal language.
  • CE53: Encourage creative reading and writing.
  • CE54: Know and properly use resources to stimulate reading and writing.
  • CE55: Reflect metalinguistically to correct one's own and someone else's oral and written speeches.
  • CE56: Use the language richly and expressively, seeking an aesthetic attitude to the discourse. Use the language correctly and promote that it be respectful with cultural, gender, linguistic and any other differences, in keeping with the principle of equality.
  • CE57: Use linguistic and metalinguistic concepts in the academic discourse.
  • CE58: Analyse, create and use educational materials and resources related to health and food.
  • CE59: Create healthy environments at school that facilitate the adoption of health-promoting behaviours.
  • CE60: Work with families to achieve harmonious child development and healthy behavioural patterns.
  • CE61: Detect affective, hygienic, nutritional and welfare deficiencies that disrupt the proper physical and psychological development of students.
  • CE62: Collaborate with specialists to treat health problems.
  • CE63: Identify risk factors for the health of school children and seek solutions.
  • CE64: Know the basic principles of healthy development and behaviour.
  • CE65: Identify disorders in sleep, eating, psychomotor development, attention, and auditory and visual perception.
  • CE66: Understand the processes of oral language acquisition in the family, social and school context.
  • CE67: Know the characteristics and stages of development of communication and oral language and have resources to contribute to learning them.
  • CE68: Know how to promote the acquisition of habits as regards communication, school and speaking.
  • CE69: Understand the need to interact with peers and adults for the acquisition and development of oral language.
  • CE70: Have resources for the systematic observation of the evolution of the oral language and know how to interact so as to enrich and correct language productions.
  • CE71: Know how to design games, situations and activities to consolidate oral language.
  • CE72: Know the different uses of the oral and written language that are appropriate to the age of students.
  • CE73: Promote speaking skills.
  • CE74: Recognise and value an appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal language.
  • CE75: Deal with language learning situations in multilingual contexts.
  • CE76: Understand that the daily dynamics of pre-primary education change according to each student, group and situation and know how to be flexible when teaching.
  • CE77: Value the importance of stability and regularity in the school environment, schedules and teachers' moods as factors contributing to the harmonious and comprehensive progress of students.
  • CE78: Know the factors that affect the pedagogical and organisational dimension from the interaction with the professionals at a school and know how to promote participation in collective activities and cooperative work in order to improve and innovate in the school.
  • CE79: Reflect on the need to eliminate and reject sexist behaviour and contents and stereotypes that discriminate between women and men, particularly in textbooks and educational materials.
  • CE80: Design and conduct activities that promote the values of non-violence, tolerance, democracy, solidarity and justice and reflect on their presence in the contents of textbooks, teaching and educational materials, toys and audiovisual programmes in different technological media aimed at students.
  • CE81: Know and value innovative experiences in the field of pre-primary education.
  • CE82: Know and analyse educational policies, their legislative development and their impact on educational reforms and innovations.
  • CE83: Be able to collect and interpret relevant data to make pedagogical judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or technical and ethical nature.
  • CE84: Diagnose needs, complex situations and possibilities of people as a basis for educational actions.
  • CE85: Plan sequences of learning and work in the classroom and in the play space taking account of the peculiarities of the periods 0-3 and 3-6 years.
  • CE86: Design research processes and instruments as regards teaching and organisational practice in pre-primary education.
  • CE87: Acquire the ability to lead, coordinate and collaborate in the resolution of educational problems.
  • CE88: Understand that the daily dynamics of pre-primary education change according to each student, group and situation and know how to be flexible when teaching.
  • CE89: Know the factors that affect the pedagogical and organisational dimension from the interaction with the professionals at a school and know how to promote participation in collective activities and cooperative work in order to improve and innovate in the school.
  • CE90: Know and value innovative experiences in the field of pre-primary education.
  • CE91: Know and analyse educational policies, their legislative development and their impact on educational reforms and innovations.
  • CE92: Be able to collect and interpret relevant data to make pedagogical judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or technical and ethical nature.
  • CE93: Diagnose needs, complex situations and possibilities of people as a basis for educational actions.
  • CE94: Master observation and recording techniques.
  • CE95: Address field analysis through an observational methodology using information, documentation and audiovisual technologies.
  • CE96: Know how to analyse the data obtained, gain a critical understanding of the reality and prepare a report of conclusions.
  • CE97: Situate the pre-primary school in the Spanish educational system and in the European and international context.
  • CE98: Know international experiences and examples of innovative practices in pre-primary education.
  • CE99: Value the importance of teamwork, especially with regard to the different professionals working in pre-primary education.
  • CE100: Participate in the creation and monitoring of educational projects for pre-primary education within the framework of school projects and in collaboration with the territory and other professionals and social agents.
  • CE101: Know the legislation that regulates pre-primary schools and their organisation.
  • CE102: Know the principles and strategies for designing a pre-primary school for ages 0-3.
  • CE103: Be able to lead and coordinate the team of professionals and specialists that make up the staff in a school for ages 0-3.
  • CE104: Analyse and assess the proper coordination between the principles established in the pre-primary education curricular project and the first cycle of primary education.
  • CE105: Value the personal relationship with each student and his or her family as a factor of educational quality.
  • CE106: Value and understand the period of pre-primary education as a set of experiences that are designed so that each child feels that he or she is the main actor in his or her own life.
  • CE107: Know the theoretical and practical principles of play and its evolution in the child's psychomotor development.
  • CE108: Understand and identify play as a natural learning experience and a socio-cultural manifestation in pre-primary education. Know, value and respect motor games from a multicultural perspective: popular and traditional games.
  • CE109: Know how to use play as a dynamic element in the development of children's perceptive, motor, cognitive, socio-affective, communicative and creative abilities, helping to improve their self-esteem and effectiveness.
  • CE110: Know how to design, conduct and assess playful-motor activities for increasing self-awareness and for discovering the environment and the objects.
  • CE111: Know how to encourage habits and attitudes of collaboration and dialogic conflict resolution through motor play.
  • CE112: Master strategies for observing the child through play to evaluate and develop his or her abilities.
  • CE113: Be able to select and inform others about toys and play materials that respond to children's needs, interests, knowledge and skill levels, and rates of development.
  • CE114: Intervene appropriately in the development of children in the periods 0-3 and 3-6 years.
  • CE115: Know the fundamentals of early care.
  • CE116: Favour the cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social and affective development of children paying special attention to music, graphic expression and movement as means of playful intervention.
  • CE117: Know how to promote the acquisition of habits.
  • CE118: Optimise the development of children who are at personal and/or social risk.
  • CE119: Know the theoretical and practical principles of music, body and movement and of expressive, bodily, graphic, auditory and rhythmic education in pre-primary education.
  • CE120: Design, implement and evaluate teaching proposals to stimulate and develop perceptive-motor skills through music, graphic expression and physical activity.
  • CE121: Be able to critically analyse the publications and materials that can be found on the market to stimulate babies.
  • CE122: Promote collaboration with families to favour joint implementation of intervention strategies.
  • CE123: Be able to observe and identify delays and difficulties in learning oral and written language in the mainstream classroom.
  • CE124: Have resources to prevent difficulties in oral language acquisition and to address them if necessary.
  • CE125: Know how to communicate and interact with children with hearing and other language difficulties.
  • CE126: Know how to inform specialists to jointly address the needs affecting hearing and language.
  • CE127: Acquire resources to favour the educational integration of students with language difficulties.
  • CE128: Have the means to prevent problems in reading, writing and spelling.
  • CE129: Create and maintain communication links with families to effectively influence the language learning process.
  • CE130: Know the different uses of the oral and written language that are appropriate to the age of students.
  • CE131: Promote speaking skills.
  • CE132: Recognise and value the appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal languages that are particularly respectful of the principle of equality.
  • CE133: Deal with language learning situations in multilingual contexts.
  • CE134: Know the school curriculum for this stage as regards language learning, reading and writing.
  • CE135: Know the theories on the acquisition and development of oral and written language.
  • CE136: Deal with language learning situations in multilingual contexts.
  • CE137: Recognise and value an appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal language.
  • CE138: Understand the transition from oral to written language and know the different registers and uses of the language.
  • CE139: Know the processes of learning and teaching the written language.
  • CE140: Promote speaking and writing skills.
  • CE141: Know and master oral and written expression techniques.
  • CE142: Know the processes of learning and teaching reading and writing.
  • CE143: Know and properly use resources to stimulate reading and writing.
  • CE144: Know oral tradition and folklore.
  • CE145: Have literary education and, especially, know children's literature.
  • CE146: Develop and evaluate curriculum content in a comprehensive manner by using appropriate teaching resources and promote the corresponding competences in students.
  • CE147: Know the basic sources of research in the field of language and literature teaching and identify the object and methodology used.
  • CE148: Acquire basic skills in mathematics: numeracy, calculation, geometry, spatial representation, estimation and measurement, organisation and interpretation of information and probability.
  • CE149: Know the mathematical principles in the pre-primary and primary education curricula.
  • CE150: Analyse, reason and communicate mathematical proposals.
  • CE151: Value the relationship between mathematics and science as one of the pillars of scientific thinking and knowledge.
  • CE152: Understand mathematics as socio-cultural knowledge.
  • CE153: Raise and solve mathematical problems related to daily life.
  • CE154: Use information and communication technologies effectively as usual working tools in mathematics.
  • CE155: Be familiar with ICT as a classroom teaching resource for mathematics and science.
  • CE156: Reflect on classroom practicals to innovate and improve teaching. Acquire habits and skills for independent and cooperative learning and promote it in students.
  • CE157: Maintain a critical and independent approach to knowledge, values and public and private social institutions.
  • CE158: Know the scientific, mathematical and technological principles of the math curriculum in the stage 3-12 years.
  • CE159: Know the scientific methodology and promote scientific thinking and experimentation.
  • CE160: Understand the basic principles and fundamental theories of the natural sciences: physics, chemistry, biology and geology.
  • CE161: Know how to raise and resolve issues of everyday life related to science and from a scientific point of view.
  • CE162: Value science as a basic element of Europe's cultural heritage, its contribution to improving the quality of life, and its ability to provide the best explanations of the material world.
  • CE163: Recognise the mutual influence of science, society and technological development, reflect on scientific aspects of social interest and assume responsibility for one's own learning and for individual and collective actions that may result from this learning.
  • CE164: Have a solid cultural, scientific and technological background, especially the basic knowledge needed to practise professionally as a teacher. Know the evolution and the historical process of construction of some basic scientific concepts, with special reference to the contexts and obstacles that had to be overcome to introduce them.
  • CE165: Encourage a critical and independent approach to knowledge, promoting scientific thinking for its evaluation; encourage the reading of scientific and non-scientific texts dealing with issues of personal and social interest, and promote strategies to interpret and evaluate them to make informed personal decisions based on them.
  • CE166: Acquire the ability to understand how scientific knowledge is constructed, what its nature is, and to keep a critical engagement with scientific ways of knowing and understanding.
  • CE167: Promote intellectual independence and critical engagement with evidence through scientific understanding; assess the reliability of information, as well as the sources that provide it, on issues of scientific and social relevance.
  • CE168: Collect and apply relevant data for a hypothesis, and represent these data in formats that include tables and graphs. Analyse data qualitatively and quantitatively.
  • CE169: Know the musical principles of the curriculum of this stage as well as the theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning.
  • CE170: Know and use songs to promote auditory, rhythmic and vocal education.
  • CE171: Know and use music audition to develop music education.
  • CE172: Know how to use play as a teaching resource, as well as to design learning activities based on the principles of play.
  • CE173: Promote sensitivity regarding artistic creation.
  • CE174: Understand the principles that contribute to cultural, personal and social education from music.
  • CE175: Create teaching proposals that promote musical perception and expression, motor skills and creativity.
  • CE176: Create comprehensive proposals that address diversity. Acquire resources to favour the educational integration of students with difficulties.
  • CE177: Promote the interdisciplinary relation of the contents to be taught.
  • CE178: Select and use the information and communication technologies that are most appropriate to the personal and professional objectives being pursued.
  • CE179: Gain practical knowledge of the classroom and its management.
  • CE180: Relate theory and practice to the reality of the classroom and school.
  • CE181: Use different verbal and non-verbal languages to express oneself, interact and communicate.
  • CE182: Know and understand the fundamentals of motor education in pre-primary education.
  • CE183: Know and understand the theories on the acquisition and development of motor learning.
  • CE184: Know and analyse the elements of motor education in the pre-primary education curriculum. Know how to apply them to the design, implementation and evaluation of teaching proposals.
  • CE185: Create teaching proposals to develop perceptive-motor and motor skills.
  • CE186: Create teaching proposals to promote body language through expression, by relating them to the different languages of pre-primary education.
  • CE187: Be able to use games as a teaching resource and implement them from a global perspective.
  • CE188: Know how to design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity and co-education.
  • CE189: Acquire resources to promote a taste for movement, satisfactory body image and well-being derived from participation in motor activities in childhood.
  • CE190: Appreciate the educational value of art.
  • CE191: Develop perceptive and sensory skills using resources inside and outside the classroom.
  • CE192: Know how to plan plastic activities and relate them to the theoretical contents.
  • CE193: Use and integrate all types of materials in plastic proposals.
  • CE194: Develop the necessary skills so that plastic materials and techniques become a means of expression.
  • CE195: Be able to analyse the drawings of children from 0 to 6 years of age.
  • CE196: Show interest in participating in the socio-cultural environment (museums, conferences, exhibitions, etc.)
  • CE197: Be able to reflect and argue in an understandable and organised manner.
  • CE198: Be able to work globally with the other subjects.
  • CE199: Be able to work in a group and solve conflicts collectively.
  • CE200: Promote and facilitate learning in pre-primary education, from a globalising perspective that integrates the different cognitive, emotional and motor dimensions through music, art, body and movement.
  • CE201: Acquire habits and skills for independent and cooperative learning.
  • CE202: Design, implement and evaluate classroom practices focused on project-based teaching/learning in order to innovate and improve teaching.
  • CE203: Experiment with possibilities of joint action to promote socio-affective development and co-education.
  • CE204: Develop a critical capacity to assess curricular materials and different artistic and cultural manifestations.
  • CE205: Consider research as the basis for educational innovation.
  • CE206: Promote educational projects in other socio-cultural contexts.
  • CE207: Know how to adapt the curriculum to the diversity of students when implementing educational projects.
  • CE208: Understand the different dimensions of the social fact and analyse them in a complex and comprehensive manner. Gain knowledge about the evolution of thought, customs, beliefs and social and political movements throughout history.
  • CE209: Acquire the ability to recognise discriminatory interpretation biases based on gender, race, religion, etc. in student thinking, curriculum materials, the media, etc.
  • CE210: Understand the processes of construction of knowledge of the social world of children in pre-primary education and be aware of the comprehension issues found at this level by educational research.
  • CE211: Know the scientific principles of the social sciences curriculum of this stage, as well as the theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning.
  • CE212: Know the main teaching-learning models in social sciences and their usefulness to achieve the objectives of pre-primary education.
  • CE213: Acquire strategies to teach spatial-temporal notions and representations, as well as resources to expand the capacity of students in pre-primary education to actively observe and explore their social environment.
  • CE214: Acquire resources to encourage children in pre-primary education to generate interpretative frameworks and social theories about the reality that surrounds them.
  • CE215: Promote and facilitate satisfactory social and affective relationships among children in pre-primary education in and out of the classroom.
  • CE216: Develop the ability to critically analyse curricular materials and to create teaching units that are specific to the stage.
  • CE217: Develop the capacity to handle different sources of information on a topic and to produce well-structured syntheses.
  • CE218: Acquire attitudes and behaviours committed to sustainable development by understanding the responses that societies give to certain situations and the transformations that these generate. Promote interest in and respect for the natural, social and cultural heritage through appropriate educational projects.
  • CE219: Promote experiences of initiation into information and communication technologies.
  • CE220: Know the scientific and technological principles of the curriculum of this stage as well as the theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning. Know the scientific and technological principles of the curriculum of this stage as well as the theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning.
  • CE221: Know the scientific methodology and promote scientific thinking and experimentation.
  • CE222: Know the most outstanding moments in the history of science and technology and their significance.
  • CE223: Create teaching proposals in relation to the interaction between science, technology, society and sustainable development.
  • CE224: Promote interest in and respect for the natural environment through appropriate educational projects.
  • CE225: Promote experiences of initiation into information and communication technologies, value their contribution to improving learning and understand their implications for children's education.
  • CE226: Design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers.
  • CE227: Stimulate sensory perception through multiple experiences with one's own body and in the natural environment as a basis for learning.
  • CE228: Awaken interest in and curiosity for one's own body and for others' bodies, respecting differences. Develop autonomy, body care and awareness of gender differences.
  • CE229: Know the mathematics curriculum in pre-primary education.
  • CE230: Analyse mathematics didactically in the pre-primary mathematics curriculum.
  • CE231: Be familiar with theories on the acquisition and development of mathematical learnings in pre-primary education.
  • CE232: Know teaching strategies to develop competences in numerical representations and in spatial and geometric notions.
  • CE233: Know teaching strategies to favour logical thinking in students in pre-primary education.
  • CE234: Develop and evaluate mathematical contents in the pre-primary education curriculum by using appropriate teaching resources and promote the corresponding competences in students.
  • CE235: Know and apply basic methodologies and techniques of educational research to teaching mathematics and be able to design innovation projects identifying evaluation indicators.
  • CE236: Know the difficulties and errors in the process of teaching and learning mathematics in pre-primary education and the cognitive processes involved.
  • CE237: Know teaching interventions that take into account the difficulties and errors in learning mathematics in pre-primary education.
  • CE238: Analyse ICT as a teaching resource for mathematics in pre-primary education.
  • CE239: Know and implement innovative experiences for teaching mathematics in pre-primary education.
  • CE240: Know and be able to use cooperative working strategies.
  • CE241: Create appropriate teaching proposals (projects) and teaching materials for pre-primary education using the natural and social sciences and mathematics together, so that work projects make sense to children and respond to their concerns and interests.
  • CE242: Promote interest in and respect for the natural environment through educational projects that highlight some of the relations between science, technology, society and sustainable development.
  • CE243: Promote experiences of initiation into information and communication technologies.
  • CE244: Know, manage and develop evaluation strategies that are appropriate to the educational proposals and interests.
  • CE245: Design, implement and evaluate classroom practices focused on project-based teaching/learning in order to innovate and improve teaching.
  • CE246: Promote educational projects in other socio-cultural contexts.
  • CE247: Understand and produce oral and written messages in the foreign language in everyday situations.
  • CE248: Recognise and value the correct and appropriate use of language.
  • CE249: Adopt an open and respectful attitude towards foreign languages and cultures.
  • CE250: Schedule activities and select materials for teaching and learning a foreign language.
  • CE251: Be able to encourage a first approach to a foreign language in pre-primary education.
  • CE252: Design and implement content and language integrated learning projects.
  • CE253: Create a classroom climate that facilitates student learning and participation.
  • CE254: Know assessment strategies and techniques and understand assessment as an instrument for regulating and stimulating effort.
  • CE255: Self-regulate one's own learning process by developing appropriate strategies in and out of the classroom.
  • CE256: Be able to learn independently and to integrate the use of ICT into the teaching-learning process.
  • CE257: Value the importance of learning a foreign language as a factor for intellectual and social development.
  • CE258: Deal effectively with situations of language learning in multicultural and multilingual contexts.
  • CE259: Analyse the school system and the educational reality through a specific school, as an organisational unit, in its different dimensions and functions, and through the educational community that integrates it.
  • CE260: Cooperate with the educational community and participate in the proposals for improvement and innovation in the various fields of action that may be established in the school.
  • CE261: Know forms of collaboration between the different sectors of the educational community and the social environment.
  • CE262: Recognise the identity of this educational stage and its cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social and affective characteristics.
  • CE263: Know how to promote the acquisition of habits as regards autonomy, co-education, freedom, curiosity, observation, experimentation, imitation, acceptance of rules and limits, symbolic and heuristic play.
  • CE264: Participate in the teaching activity and reflect on it by linking theory and practice.
  • CE265: Know the sources of information and documentation (informative and research) on the school world and use them in the design of teaching interventions and research projects.
  • CE266: Plan, develop and evaluate curriculum content in pre-primary education through appropriate teaching resources and promote the corresponding competences in students.
  • CE267: Develop curriculum content through the media and ICT resources.
  • CE268: Gain practical knowledge of the classroom and its management.
  • CE269: Know and apply the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, and master the social skills and abilities needed to foster a climate that facilitates learning and coexistence.
  • CE270: Regulate the processes of interaction in the classroom with students from 0 to 3 and from 3 to 6 years of age.
  • CE271: Monitor the teaching and learning process by mastering the necessary techniques and strategies.
  • CE272: Analyse the results obtained in the teaching and learning process and reflect on them and on one's own knowledge, skills, attitudes and actions in relation to the teaching profession.
  • CE273: Design and carry out educational research projects using the appropriate resources and methodology.
  • CE274: Communicate the knowledge, experiences and reflections on the school intervention to the academic forums established for this purpose.
  • CE275: Be able to defend publicly in the bachelor's thesis both the analysis of the relationship between the subjects studied and the educational reality and the proposals for improvement of the aspects worked on during the degree studies.
  • CE276: Promote and facilitate learning in pre-primary education from a globalising perspective that integrates the different cognitive, emotional and motor dimensions, by designing, developing and evaluating experiences that enable the progressive development of autonomy in the child.
  • CE277: Acquire habits and skills for independent and cooperative learning.
  • CE278: Design, implement and evaluate classroom practices focused on project-based teaching and learning in order to innovate and improve teaching.
  • CE279: Experiment with possibilities of joint action to promote socio-affective development and co-education.
  • CE280: Develop critical capacity to evaluate curriculum resources and materials.
  • CE281: Consider research as the basis for educational innovation and career advancement.
  • CE282: Promote educational projects in other contexts.
  • CE283: Know how to adapt the curriculum to the diversity of students when implementing educational projects.