Master's Degree in Business Management. MBA

  • CG1: Prepare, write and publicly present business reports and projects in a clear and coherent manner, defend them with rigour and tolerance and respond satisfactorily to criticisms relating to them.
  • CG2: Seek, select and assess information from the different actors in the environment, both through traditional methods and information and communication technologies, to use it effectively in the face of problems and situations related to business activity.
  • CG3: Analyse, synthesise and evaluate information, in a rigorous and critical manner, and be able to identify assumptions, assess evidence, detect false logic or reasoning, identify implicit values, and generalise adequately about problems and situations related to the business world.
  • CG4: Act in the company's decision-making within the framework of human rights, democratic principles, the principles of equality between women and men, solidarity, environmental protection, universal accessibility and design for all, and the promotion of a culture of peace.
  • CG5: Promote the ability to work in a team and to collaborate and organise the group's activities effectively and efficiently both in the area of general management and in the other functional areas of the company.
  • CG6: Make both individual and collective decisions in professional practice as a company manager.