Master's Degree in Mediation, Arbitration, Conflict Management in Private Law

Degree number of credits: 60

Compulsory credits: 44

Final project: 8

Work placements/Internships: 8

Degree code: 2122

Years: 1

Teaching type: Presencial


Master degree website:

Places available for new students: 30

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Management Centre: Faculty of Law

Languages used in class: Spanish

Participating Universities: University of Valencia

Academic Coordinating Committee: Raquel Guillén Catalán (Director)
Pedro Chaparro Matamoros
María Elena Cobas Cobiella
Ana Lois Caballé
Carolina Sanchis Crespo
Dolores Personat Palanca (PAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: The potential of the Master’s is in line with the social demand, required nowadays by private law, the alternative dispute resolution, including its framework of internationalization especially in the commercial and domestic environment. Thus, in the field of mediation, the current observation of social relations reveals in first place its growing conflict and in second place, the need of teaching to citizens to deal with the solutions of the conflicts, instead of promoting its appeal in the jurisdictional bodies. This is expressed in the EU Green Paper (COM 2002/196) about alternative modalities on conflicts resolution in the area of civil law, to this end is oriented the development of mediation. Moreover, there are already two Recommendations of the European Union that want that the Member States promote the alternative solution of conflicts with particular emphasis in mediation for family conflicts environment. Mediation is one of the different techniques or tools of conflict resolution and its results are suitable for its application in civil conflicts (family, intergenerational, school and social integration conflicts). These types of civil problems present a specific profile, and for this it require precise attention, to which judges and courts cannot always offer the best solution. To analyse mediation as a useful and effective tool is the objective for the extrajudicial resolution of conflicts and also to discover all its practical effect. The figure of mediation is presented as a tool that can be the key for the understanding of couples who are facing a marriage crisis in the new framework of Family Law. In a modern society so exposed to conflict the support for the study of modern and effective tools that can deactivated it, is claimed, for example mediation. Mediation as a system that attend the parties in the tasks of understanding their dispute, that improve its communication treat it, and that find an agreement, which will promote the respectful and peaceful coexistence between them. Also, the study and dissemination of the figure and task of the mediator as a technician well prepared it is necessary, a third party neutral and impartial in other’s people conflict, who will use all their activity and effort for understanding between parties and who will reflect a common agreement in which are the parties involved the ones that will find and assume the solution to their problems. Furthermore, arbitration born of the agreement or arbitration agreement by which the parties of a dispute decide that the conflict will be solved by a third party, according to legal criteria (Arbitration).

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: