A free audioguide for mobile phones will make it easier for the visually-impaired to access museums and expositions

The ones in charge of the General Foundation, and Cultural Feedback, after signing the agreement

UV´s General Foundation and Cultural Feedback company have signed a collaboration agreement to develop an audioguide for mobile phones with operating systems iOS and Android. The application will make it easier for people with visual disabilities to access the exposition "Yturralde. Cartographies of the Sublime" which will be inagurated by Col·lecció Martínez Guerricabeitia in La Nau in the month of October.

A collaboration agreement has been signed by the vice principal of Culture and Equality, Antonio Ariño, as executive vice president of UV´s  General Foundation, and Miguel Arce, the director of Cultural Feedback projects.


The audioguide will be developed in the framework of the Accessible Culture project, which is a mobile phone application for iOS and Android, and which will be directed by Miguel Arce, cultural manager.


The audioguide will offer easy access to detailed descriptions of works of art, of the artists´ historical context, among others, and will include many interactive options. The application will be available in three languages: Valencian, Castillian and English.


The motive for the creation of the audioguide is Yturralde´s exposition.  The project will first be used in “Cartography of the Sublime”, organised by the vice principal of Culture and Equality of Universitat de València with the help of Col·lecció Martínez Guerricabeitia from the General Foundation of the same institution. The aim of the project is to eventually widen its field of application to all museum websites and cultural centers of the Valencian Community.  What´s more, with the purpose of improving the cultural inclusion of the disabled, the application will offer visual contents (videos, maps, guides) especially for the hearing-impaired.


The Accessible Culture application, which one will always be able to download for free, will also be designed with a double objective in mind: on the one hand, to make access to culture easier for the disabled; and on the other hand, to offer to the general public extensive and detailed information about cultural content of expositions and the museums of Valencia.


Cultural Feedback is a Cultural Management company which has a team of experts in the field, made up of Miguel Arce, Fernando Ortiz and Alejandro Pagán, who develop projects for social and cultural innovation aimed at institutions as well as cultural and creative industries. 

Last update: 3 de june de 2016 07:00.

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